31 July 2007
I Think My Kidney Hurts.
See April's Blog! What a great deal! I am so excited about taking all of Target's baby food.
Andrew is going to freak when he see how much there is. I'll try to get a picture of his reaction.
Moving Tomorrow...Went To The Mall....
Lucy is now napping, and once she wakes up we need to swing into high gear and get moving! Andrew is gone to Baltimore for the day, so we have until approximately 9pm to finish packing and run our errands. We're running out to pick up the new keys and the laundry as soon as I see the whites of her eyes, and then we're coming back here to finish the packing. I was up pretty late last night trying to get things done. I like staying up by myself in a quiet house, just puttering around and doing my thing. Andrew went to bed at 9 because he had to be up at 3:45, so I had the evening to myself to relax and pack. Today...I am not relaxed. But I have a new checkbook cover! But I think I want a nice leather one for Christmas. I also want a Nikon D80. That is going to be harder to talk Andrew into...it's $1300 of photographic fun. Oh hey! I just taught myself how to put a link in text! Neato.
Well, I'm off to get some more stuff into boxes. I'm doing pretty good, but it's hard to get anything done with my little monkey up and awake, so I'm on borrowed time, here!
30 July 2007
Nobody Wants To Be Lucy's Giraffe.
29 July 2007
Weekend Updates!
In the below picture, sh'e not crying! I promise! I took the picture mid-sneeze! Even her sneeze's are adorable!
She looks like her papa in this one!
You may not hear from me this upcoming Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday because of all the moving festivities, but I'll put up some photos of all our beautiful new furniture when it's all said & done!
We went over to Lowes and bought PAINT! I am so excited. Then we ran out to Roderick's and finaled our dining room set order for delivery this week. I'm just pumped. We came home and got to work on Lucy's shelf. This poor shelf...Tim built it for me when I was about 15, and I had it in my room for years. Then I went to college and the boys used it, and somehow I finaggled it out of the house when I moved out for good, and took it to Essex, where we painted it brown. Then we painted it red when I was about 8 months pregnant, thinking we were going to do Lu's room in red and white. That was stupid. Today we painted it white, and painted little pink and purple flowers all over it, and it looks better than it ever has before. It's SO adorable. I also painted two big flower hooks for her room, and a couple of little wooden words that say "smile" and "dream." Her room is going to be adorable. We bought the paint for her room today- new light lilac- it's almost white, but it'll look really cute once we get everything moved in.
We've decided to do the ice blue in the living room, against Katie's advice. I hope she forgives me. Our furniture is brown leather and espresso wood, and I think the blue will be really neat. I hope. Sigh...
Tomorrow we're going to run up to Food Lion to get boxes and donuts and then we're going to head to Church for a little Jesus time. Then we will be back here packing and organizing, and I might send Andrew and Lucy out for a long walk so I can have some Mommy time alone. We'll see how the weather acts. I will post pictures tomorrow- I have to pull Andrew away from the Wii so wii can go to bed!
27 July 2007
Andrew should be home any time and we're going to get crackin' on the packin'! I think we'll work on Lucy's shelf tonight and work on packing tomorrow. Her shelf is going to be so cute. I also bought little wooden flower hooks that I need to paint, and little wooden signs that say "dream" and "smile" that I need to paint. I am so excited about doing a nursery, having waited so long past her birth. We bought her bedding, and it's just so cute.
Ok, I really need to go and get this place in shape before Andrew gets home. It's....scary.
26 July 2007
The Week In Pictures

"Arrrrrrr Matey!!!"
Pretty Girl!
10 Minutes Of Quiet...
Yesterday was good. Oh, I need to take the trash out. Sigh. I'll post pictures later.
25 July 2007
23 July 2007
So much going on.
We have put the s10 up for sale. We are officially moving into the world of being a one-car household. With Lucy and I being right smack in the middle of downtown, we really don't need a car during the days, and I can do the shopping at night. We will have one day a week where we drop Daddy off so that we can run errands, go to play group, get to doctor's appointments, etc. There is just no point in insuring the truck when Andrew can drive the Saturn and Lu and I can walk to where we need to be. With the money from the s10, we are going to put a little in savings and use the rest to get Bonnie on the road. She is running ok, but there is a problem with something on the axle being rusted or something, and Andrew definitely can't fix that alone. He's already done a lot- I'm very impressed with how much he's done on her so far, but the axle is nothing to play around with.
Lucy and I just tried to walk to Mass. There is a funeral this morning, so there is no Mass. So we walked to the library, which was, of course, closed. We returned the books that we had borrowed, and will get more once the move is completely over.
We are getting our keys on Monday!! I am so excited. Today I am going to start organizing and putting things into piles. I also need to call and arrange for delivery for the rest of the furniture, and reserve a truck for Wednesday morning. It's going to be a long day. We're having leftover jambalaya for dinner, so at least I don't have to cook! I think it's going to be a scorcher today. I'm so glad Lucy and I got out and walked this morning. The three of us did a 4 mile walk last night with dinner at Subway in the middle. Andrew is such a nice companion. He's always so easygoing, fun and entertaining. He is always such a peaceful force in my life. I just don't know why people spend so much time keeping score and creating problems. Life is so short. I just don't know what I'd be without him.
Oh, NOTE: I think Andrew told me I could buy my matching towels for the bathroom. I am very excited. They're definitely not a "need," but he's really been indulging my passion for this new place and is letting me go wild making it a completely new and different home, and I'm so happy!
Bad Night...
Our weekend was very nice and super relaxing. Next weekend will not be so relaxing. We have lots to do!
I was going to go to La Leche today, but I'm not sure I can handle the soothing voices and peaceful suggestions. I'm seriously on edge right now, and I'm not sure I can get past my exhaustion to put on a big smile...and I really don't want suggestions. I just want sleep. Last night was actually the first night I've really had a problem with since we brought her home from the hospital, so I guess I can't complain. And she didn't spit up in our bed last night, so that's a huge plus. She usually does that twice a night or so. Cute.
Well, I need to go make my lists of things to do today. Back later.
22 July 2007
Moving Day Is On Its Way!
That said, I really need to get things rolling around here. I have SO many things to organize and pack and plan, but I'm just so busy with Lucy and all of her little needs. We went out to Walmart and did our shopping for the week, so I think Lu and I will be indoors this week getting things done. Well, tomorrow morning is La Leche, and we have playgroup on Wednesday, but other than that, we're going to be concentrating on our tasks. More later!
21 July 2007
Lucy Goes To The Fair!
But she LOVED the horses!
Here she is with a big old paint- she was a little confused, but seemed pretty excited.