31 December 2011
Drydock Weatherford Lake
Cactus azle western wear
love them curves but they're hard to find

Old gem. True beauty.
Found this gem on FM730 near (north) of junction w/ 1886. So awesome. Don't make 'em like they used to...
Yellow House...
28 December 2011
Hey, look at the boob in aisle 36C!
Lord have mercy it happened again.
24 December 2011
Mass Hysteria.
Photo Card
22 December 2011
So excited
For Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 December 2011
Texas Gift Of Lights!
They were adequately floored. Lu's favorite part? "Pretty much all of it."
And yeah, that's Santa riding a longhorn.
19 December 2011
Mea Culpa
That includes blogging.
I'm going to try to get better about that. I promise. Maybe that will be my New Year's resolution? Excellent idea. I also need to update the pics on my sidebar, because that picture of Molly is definitely from a time when I still thought 2-year-olds were cute. I was so stupid then.
Today she took an orange marker. What did she color? What didn't she color? Let's see, she started with her arts-and-crafts table. From there, she went for...
...the carpet.
...the coffee table.
...the wool rug. You know, the one I love so much.
...several stuffed animals.
...Wii remote.
...TV remote.
...entertainment center.
...family room door.
...several walls.
...laundry room door.
...green chair.
...two white chairs.
...her arms and legs.
She's still in time-out. I plan on letting her out when she's 9. Or 10.
Let's see. What else happened today? Claire decided that she'll only sleep with classical music in the background. Just one song on a constant loop, thanks. Yeah. I have no idea how we're going to handle the rest of the night. At least we got her to stop using the seahorse toy to put herself to sleep, because having to run in every 7 minute and hit the little belly to make it play again was really not conducive to any sort of productivity in any other area of my life. Claire also OD'd on chicken piccata and may wake up in the morning looking like a caper. We'll have to see. It was the stuff of nightmares. Noodles everywhere, screaming for more...the girl loves her food.
I think that's about it around here for one evening. Just trying to win you all back over and convince you that I wasn't killed or something. I think The Facebook is partially responsible. I need to stop using that stupid website.
Well, I'm off to take a hot bath and eat some cookies. Really, anything that doesn't involve angel hair pasta or Molly would be a win at this point. Good thing she's the cutest, funniest kid I know.
I was thinking about that comment in Mass yesterday as I was listening to the homily about Mary and her fiat. Now that I'm a mother, Christmas takes on this intense, joyful meaning to me. Not because I'm a parent, but because I'm a mother. Mary said "yes," and I know now what it feels like to know that you're going to have a baby. Every mother across the world is one with Mary in this, that we know what Mary must have felt when she found out she was going to have a baby. It doesn't matter if it's your first or your fifteenth. Finding out you're going to have a baby takes your breath away. We're one with her in that we know what it's like to feel your baby move inside you. We know how it feels to see that baby for the first time. She may have given birth to the Savior of the World, but each birth saves someone, doesn't it? I always wonder if she spent her nights in bed wondering what he'd look like, like I've spent so many nights of my own.
Hearing Mary's story as a mother just thrills me every single year. I think in my head, "Oh Mary, you're going to LOVE being a mom!" I think of all the things Andrew and I have to laugh about as parents, and I know that Mary and Joseph must have had such fun together, even in the midst of the intense positions they'd been given. When there's a child in the house, there is joy. When I think of joy at Christmas, I think of all the joy that children bring, and I know that Mary must look down on us now and think, "If those weren't the best years..."
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a "wiwwy hot" wooden cucumber to eat.
15 December 2011
One happy dad
One happy daddy. One tired sweaty little girl.
14 December 2011
LOVE feeling better
08 December 2011
Claire's Cowgirl Cute Corral!
Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T
06 December 2011
Anna Lucille - 4 years, 5 months and 27 days of Sweet Perfection.
05 December 2011
Wherein I sound a little more positive than I did earlier.
We left here around noon and swung by Sonic for a drink to take with us to the doctor. (I will admit right here and now that any posted "rules" a doctor's office may display are flagrantly ignored by the Cooke family. We eat, we change diapers, we use cell phones, we're really a dream.) We got to the hospital district with 15 minutess to spare, which is great because we parked in the wrong garage and had to walk about a block and a half in the freezing wind. After several calls to the doctor's office to find out just exactly where "Building D" could be, we ran into the office right on time and paid our $40 copay. ($40! There goes today's grocery money...) Now let me remind you that I have a cough for the ages, and as I'm trying to sign myself in (new patient paperwork + 3 children = gahhhhh), I'm coughing like a maniac, germs just a-flyin'.
We get called back pretty quickly, and they put us in the tiniest exam room they possibly have. Maybe...5x8? And we sit. For an HOUR. My girls? They were perfect. They sat together on a tiny foot stool and watched The Cat in the Hat on my phone while Claire screamed and clawed at my face. I tried to feed her, play with her, console her, strap her into the carseat and ignore her...nothing. She just wanted to stand on my lap and screech at the top of her lungs while I coughed so violently I could feel my heart dislodging from my ribcage. While I should have been praising my little angels for being so perfect, I was lamenting my own sorry state.
The doctor came in and was very odd. She was nice, but I couldn't tell if she agreed with me, thought I was nuts, or if I was just wasting her time. She had a very strange manner and all of a sudden I just wanted to cry and get out of there. She just kept looking at me like I was an idiot. It did, however, turn out that my self-diagnosis was spot-on and that my current GI is a complete loon. I will not be starting immuno-suppressants before Christmas, thank the Lord. We decided that the best idea would be to finish the steroids, give it a few weeks, do a quick scope to check the inflammation and go from there. I may or may not need some light maintenance drugs, but as my disease is "mild" and presents no real hardships for me, she said that a colonoscopy every 2-3 years and some light meds will work just fine.
She was nice enough to point us through the hospital to get back to our car, rather than make us walk the walk in the cold, so we hustled our biscuits back to our parking garage, where I did the "keep up for cryin' out loud" hustle to our car on the 4th floor. What's funny is that this guy, about 24 or so, was walking next to us and was clearly just over the moon. He said, "Are you here for a baby too?" I was feeling SO poorly that rather than get totally stoked for him and sing the praises of baby-producing, I looked at him like he had 4 heads and squawked, "Are you outta your MIND?!" I quickly realized that the poor guy's wife was in labor and changed my tune as I coughed and hacked in the cold. Lucy handled the entire faux-pas for me as she so often does, and told him that we just love babies and we're going to have a million more and please-tell-your-wife-congratulations! And then she gave me a, "Do I really need to talk to you about your manners?" look and told me to get in the car. Schooled.
We then went to Best Buy, where my children sat like little statues while Miguel kindly replaced my SIM card and fixed my whole texting issue. Mind you, they did not nap today. I was floored, but still too consumed with self-pity over my cough to realize just how awesome they were being. Even Claire just sat in her seat and smiled sweetly. Lucy mentioned something about Rudolph (obsessed.) so I decided to reward them for their awesomeness by just BUYING the doggone DVD already so that she can watch it until she fairly wears out over the whole thing. She was so excited I thought she was going to pop.
When we got home, I set to fixing dinner (scrambled eggs and madarin oranges. that's right. who treats you right?) and was tickled when the doorbell rang and it turned out to be a box of candy that I had the foresight to order last week from Bomboy's. (I happened to order it on a particularly rotten day, and what joy that it should show up on an even more rotten day!) I met the mailman at the door and boy was he shocked when I realized what it was and screamed, "THANK YOU SWEET JESUS!!!" and fell over the threshold coughing to death.
As soon as we got home I loaded up on all sorts of cough medicines and pain relievers and the like, and I'm really hoping to be IN my bed by 8:30. I need sleep. I need to recuperate. I also need to take the baby in for shots at 8am, so that's kind of a contributing factor. Getting out the door before 8am is pretty much my best trick.
I've gotta go. Stay tuned - plenty of cute pics coming up soon!
Santa Baby? You out there?
Today is my 2nd opinion with another GI in the area. I'm really on pins and needles, hoping that we can find a plan that's less aggressive than removing my liver, replacing it with half my brain and putting me on aggressive immuno-suppressants for the rest of my life.
That said, my colitis issues are SO on the back-burner until I get rid of this insane cough. I get a cough like this every, single year. I HATE winter. I do mean that. I would prefer June year-round to the mess that November brings. The cold, the illness, the heating bills, the rain, the mud, the coughs and colds, the flu, the cabin fever. It's all terrible to me. All of it. I was just getting better and I woke up with the mother of all coughs on Saturday morning. :-( Woe. Woe. Woe.
I'm taking my cell phone back today. I love it, but it's not letting me send text messages. Fail. I can't do without that. :-( Woe. Woe. Woe.
Well, Claire is napping and the kids are watching Monsters, Inc., so I should finish up some chores and find some clothes to wear. As if finishing up some chores means they're ever done. Today I'm just over it all. Thanks for letting me whine.
04 December 2011
Major date night
Started with a trip to the museum to a cool George Washington exhibit. Neat guy. Next it was downtown to Jamba juice. Then we went to B&N for some relaxing magazine reading and book buying. Then, despite current GI issues, we satisfied Laura's craving for quesadillas at Qdoba. They were GOOD. Then, we headed back up north to Lake Worth. ATT was not open, GameStop doesn't fix broken skis, Albertsons still sells huge Hershey's pies and Best Buy customer service is still the best in the industry. With full bellies, calm minds, a new phone we head home to watch Lincoln Lawyer (GOOD).
03 December 2011
The fastest huge update ever.
2) Claire got baptized! Andrew's dad is a deacon in the Church and we decided to risk the state of sin to wait until he could come down to baptize her. Ben and Charlotte are Claire's godparents and we're so excited! She was baptized on the 26th and then we had a huge bunch of friends out for desserts and fun. We are so blessed by our wonderful friends down here in Texas. God has been so good to us in the people he has sent our way, and see our girls tearing around the house with their buddies while we cram into the living room to laugh together is one of our greatest joys.
3) You may have heard that my health has been a little crazy. It has, but we're hoping that it's slowly ironing itself out. I will say that I'm losing the baby weight fast and furious, but I didn't want to do it via IV drugs and major GI issues. I met with my doctor today, and it feels like he's really trying to put me on too many drugs too soon, so I'm seeking a second opinion and seeing an osteopath next week to figure out where to go from here. For now I'm on steroids and I hope to be tapering down to a smaller dose tomorrow. I feel like I'm starting to pull out of the extreme fatigue, and we're hoping that I'll be eating normally by the end of the weekend. It's been so weird having no appetite, especially right at the beginning of the holidays! But I suppose it's good, in a way, because I'd just be hating my lack of self-control right now anyway. I ate a full breakfast this am and boy did I feel like a wild woman!
4) Andrew and I have a major date night tomorrow. Stay. Tuned.