27 February 2007

Snack wraps and secret babies.

Well, I just walked in the door from the doctor's office and a big WalMart trip. The WalMart trip was ultimately more interesting than the doctor's office, but that's kind of par for the course at this point. Dr. H said I'm still looking great, and as long as I'm feeling fine, I should just keep up the good work. Hooray! And I passed my one-hour glucose test. I guess all those expensive cereals and chocolate chip cookies paid off; looks like little Lucy is immune to my incredible sugar intake.
I spent a large part of the afternoon watching the old men at McDonald's shoot the breeze. I had an hour to kill, so I ordered a snack wrap and parked myself in the corner. The big event was the broken ice machine...it actually turned out to be much more exciting than sitting at home.
I actually mailed Sarah's care package today! I figured that after the big explosion at Bagram today, she deserved a little gumption on my part. A woman at the post office rubbed my belly. Surprisingly, I didn't get upset at all. She was so cute.
Andrew and I were talking at the doctor's office today...what happens if you have a baby at home, and you never tell anyone? Are there rules pertaining to making your child an official person? I mean, could I just have a baby and never obtain a birth certificate or SSN or anything? Are there people out there without official identities? I'll have to ask my Nesties.

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