27 March 2007

Long day.

Andrew is in class right now. Tuesday nights are so awful. But it's almost over! Andrew is taking the summer off, and I am VERY excited about this. And, ATK is implementing a new 9/80 work schedule, so he'll have every other Friday off. This is beyond thrilling for me. He'll get an extra day here and there with Lucy, so we're all excited.
We haven't heard from the realtor yet. Jeez. This is getting nervewracking. It would be nice to know what's going on...I need to get on the financing stuff, if this thing is approved. I also still need to do laundry, but I can't carry it by myself anymore. I might have to ask Andrew to take me to the laundromat tomorrow evening...
I need some food. I'm making a late dinner, but I need a snack right now.

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