28 April 2007

Kick Counts and Painful Contractions

Last night was very restful, but since it's only 7am, I'm on my way back to bed! I woke up about a half hour ago, and didn't feel Lucy moving, so I worried, of course, even though now that's she's due she's pretty much out of room. She never seems to care, and spent all of last night going bonkers.
So I had a bowl of cereal to get her going, and now she's happily digesting her Kix. Mama tested, Lucy approved! Boy, once I sit back and let her get some of that sugar, she's a wild woman.
We went grocery shopping last night. We have enough for about 3 weeks! It looks like we're finally ready for Miss Thang to make her debut. We had a nice night out, and had lots of good contractions, and by the time we got in, I was ready to pass out. We rented Marie Antionette, and it was actually pretty good. Sad, since we know it's not going to end so well once they run from the castle, but still very good. We also got The Last King of Scotland, and we're going to watch that sometime this weekend. Today we're going to drive around and look at some houses, and then I think Andrew is taking me to the pet store to play with the puppies. And since we'll be in LaVale, we should probably take advantage of the "buy a cup of ice water for $1.77, get a dipped cone free" promotion at Dairy Queen. Andrew still seems skeptical.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness, your blog is now the entertainment of my day. The things you write about are soooo funny. I
think you will be publishing in a
few years and the antics at your house will be the subject! Another
Erma Bombeck? She'd like that.