29 July 2007


Well, today was just dandy. We got up around 8- Lucy was in bed with us after sneaking in around 5:30 to play. We dozed while she rolled around and screamed out her morning happiness. She does love Saturdays with Daddy. We went out to Super Shoes, because Andrew needed a little shopping spree. Poor guy has been wearing his brown dress shoes Oliver style. He also got some new running shoes- yay!
We went over to Lowes and bought PAINT! I am so excited. Then we ran out to Roderick's and finaled our dining room set order for delivery this week. I'm just pumped. We came home and got to work on Lucy's shelf. This poor shelf...Tim built it for me when I was about 15, and I had it in my room for years. Then I went to college and the boys used it, and somehow I finaggled it out of the house when I moved out for good, and took it to Essex, where we painted it brown. Then we painted it red when I was about 8 months pregnant, thinking we were going to do Lu's room in red and white. That was stupid. Today we painted it white, and painted little pink and purple flowers all over it, and it looks better than it ever has before. It's SO adorable. I also painted two big flower hooks for her room, and a couple of little wooden words that say "smile" and "dream." Her room is going to be adorable. We bought the paint for her room today- new light lilac- it's almost white, but it'll look really cute once we get everything moved in.
We've decided to do the ice blue in the living room, against Katie's advice. I hope she forgives me. Our furniture is brown leather and espresso wood, and I think the blue will be really neat. I hope. Sigh...
Tomorrow we're going to run up to Food Lion to get boxes and donuts and then we're going to head to Church for a little Jesus time. Then we will be back here packing and organizing, and I might send Andrew and Lucy out for a long walk so I can have some Mommy time alone. We'll see how the weather acts. I will post pictures tomorrow- I have to pull Andrew away from the Wii so wii can go to bed!


Anonymous said...

Of course I approve, dear; It's your house! I'm sure you have a lovely vision just waiting to be realized, plus I haven't seen any of your stuff. You're funny.

April said...

Yeah for new links... this pregnant lady needs things to read!!