28 August 2007

Seriously time to update....

Whew, so much going on, so little time to blog!

Well, Andrew and I have decided that it might be a good idea to go into a little business with the t-shirt production. We're going to try a couple of festivals and arts shows and see how they sell and move from there. So far, the response I've gotten is overwhelming, and I think that it would be a pretty big hit. I'll post Bernadette and Jessica just as soon as my honey bun brings the camera in from his truck work tonight.
As we will be running a table at the Burlington Apple Festival, Lucy will be "competing" in the "Baby Apple Dumpling Contest." We found the whole idea hilarious, and we think that there would be nothing better than a participation trophy to display proudly during Dumpling's teen years. So, she will be doing that- I doubt she'll win- we're not really the types to gun for votes all over West Virginia, but it should be very funny nonetheless.
We just got in from the Frostburg Block Party. Biiiiiig fun. We ate pizza and hung out with Suz- that was about it. The Block Party is always this "huge event" and ends up turning into a "have you been saved?" convention starring the local churches and the Frostburg Museum. Always a good time.
I just put Dumpling to bed. She's so funny. She's just so proud of herself, being able to nurse on her own now. She likes to grab my hand and "steer" while she eats. She just loves to roll across the bed and roll back and latch on by herself. She really thinks she's something...
Anyway, I will post pictures soon!

1 comment:

Kandi said...

Oh, when is the apple butter festival?? Maybe I'll be able to make it up for that event. I haven't been in years!