14 November 2007

Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go!

Well, it's 7am and Miss Lucy is thumping around in her crib. She slept well last night, so we're gearing up for a big fun day of...playing? We have no plans, no money and no gas. Hm. I'm not sure what that leaves us with. We DO, however, have clean laundry. I guess we'll work on that for the morning!
I am hoping today will be as good as the past couple days. Lucy has been such a doll! So cheery and sweet. I think she knows Christmas is coming...
Today I'm going to make my Thanksgiving menu and shopping list. That includes a Walmart list...ugh. I gues Lu and I will do that on Friday. It's going to be a big shopping trip- I might even need to type my list! Oh my!
Well, I need to get Lucy out of her bed- I'm wondering if she put herself back to sleep...I haven't heard a peep out of her in almost 10 minutes.
I can't believe how fast she's growing. I just want to stop time and keep her 6 months old forever...they say it only gets worse.

1 comment:

dugmel said...

Laura, you will love every age and stage that Lucy goes thru...it's hard to believe that now...but someday you'll look back and say that age was great..so much fun!

So what's for dinner? Better fix extra for Lucy!I think Pumpkin Pie is a veggie, right?*L*

Aunt Linnie