29 January 2008

Tuesday fun!

Well, Renee, Ben, Kristy and Xander will be here soon to play. Lucy is snoozing right now, after a VERY good night of sleep!
I got up at 6 and had my own time. It was so nice. I paid all of the bills for next payday, did a bunch of online banking stuff, made out my to-do list for the day and everything! I think I'm going to make Chicken Quesadillas for dinner tonight. Andrew would like that a lot.
We ran out this morning and dropped the laundry with the laundry service. I'm just not going to have the time to do it this week!
Lucy and I have to run to Wal Mart for notebooks today. Andrew starts a new semester tonight. Ugh- he's doing grad accounting and grad finance. Poor kid. At least he won't be writing a million papers this semester. And he's really good at math, so I'm sure he'll fly through it. He's like a math robot.
Tomorrow Lucy and I are going to drive downstate to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa! Yay! We're going to leave in the early-ish morning. I'm going to stay until Friday morning, and then come back up here for our anniversary weekend. Lucy is going to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's until Monday morning. I'm going to meet Mom in Frederick to pick her up sometime Monday. I think Andrew and I are going to spend the day in Deep Creek on Saturday, and we have the Super Bowl on Sunday! We're going to go to the Lang's to watch it. I'm so excited! It'll be fun to have a baby-free weekend, but I know we're both going to be going crazy without her. She's so easy to miss!

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