10 February 2008

Quick Update

We had three VERY successful nights of excellent sleep. Last night (night #4) was great and Lucy didn't make a peep until 5:30 am. Then she roared to life, screaming and wailing. We think it was nightmare, because it took almost an hour to calm her down. She sure didn't want to go down for her morning nap, but she did it pretty quickly regardless.

Let's see....updates:

  • A giant rock hit our windshield and we filed a claim, and will be finding out tomorrow whether or not we need a new windshield. Of course, we haven't been outside since hte temp drop last night, so we may have the answer when we leave for church.
  • I had a bra fitting. Imagine my surprise when I found out my post breast-feeding size is a 38D. Holy Moly! Needless to say, I bought new bras. And here I thought I was a B...
  • We watched Sleeping With The Enemy last night. That movie gets me every time.
  • Today we're going to Church, and then we're going to the Lang's to visit. They haven't seen Lucy in awhile, so I know we'll have lots of fun.

Ok, well, sleep when the baby sleeps, as they say. I'm going to try to snooze with hubbykins while the imp naps.

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