10 March 2008

Expanding the Business...

...well, TParty Designs is just cooking right along! I'm swamped with orders right now and staying very busy! I'd really like to start advertising even more and see if this can grow a little more, so it looks like Nina is going to be joining the TParty team. I'm very excited and I hope she likes it! It's fun watching the orders roll in, and I'm hoping we can book some shows this summer. I know we'll be back at the Apple Festival this fall, but I'd like to do about 5 shows a year, in addition to the Etsy store and online advertising.

Lucy needs...something. I have to go.


Jenny said...

That's great news Laura!!

Anonymous said...

This is good to hear. We are proud of you with your business. I hope it goes well for Nina, too, if she gets involved. Keep us up-dated on your blog about the happenings. Have fun!
Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dick