07 April 2008


It's 7:45 am and I'm awake. And Lucy is still sleeping. Woooooo hooooo!! Now, she did go to bed at 8:45 last night, but I really don't care much at all. It's easier for me if she goes to bed later and gets up later, because we have more time with Daddy in the evening. Sometimes it seems like the longest hours are from 6:30 to 8:30 am. It's nice to know that we've shaved a little time off our day without even being awake!
Today we get our Verizon internet installed! Hooray!


Emily said...

You startle me with headlines such as "GIANT NEWS FLASH" because I think you're having a baby or moving home. (Sigh...)

Emily said...

You startle me with headlines like "GIANT NEWS FLASH!" because I think you're having a baby or moving back home. (sigh.....)