10 June 2008

Mother to a giant boogerhead.

I cannot believe her.

For the past month or so, the three of us have developed the nasty habit of a 5:30am bottle. Sometimes she goes back to sleep, sometimes she doesn't. We've wanted to stop that nonsense, but vacation and family visits doesn't really lend itself to sleep training. Who wants to hear a 13 month old screaming for an hour?
So last night was the end of that nonsense. She took a bottle at 8pm and slept soundly until 5:30. When she woke up, I went up, handed her a pacifier and said, "Not time to get up yet!" and I left. Haven't heard from her since. It's not 6:46. The weather outside is perfect and I want to get out for a walk, but she's still snoozing like a teenage boy.

And here we thought we'd have a major battle on our hands...She does this almost everytime we decide to wean her from something or drastically change her schedule. We make the decision, and she does it like she was there for the meeting. Ridiculous. Now she's just lying in wait for tomorrow morning and we're living in fear. She has us exactly where she wants us, confused and terrified.

Oh, she has says "fishie" now! It's really cute. She also learned how to tickle. I'm going to try to get a video of that today. She squeaks in a high-pitched voice and waves her hands and says "ti ti ti ti ti!!"

Vacation pictures are coming! I got them all moved from my laptop to the Mac and now I just have to upload them! I'll have it done within 24 hours, I promise!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Your blog has been sorely missed by this girl. Thrilled to have it back :o)