29 October 2008

11 Years of Maryland

11 years ago last night, we moved to Maryland. It was so scary leaving Port Angeles, but looking back, it was really a gift from God. For Mom to jump up and leave the only home she'd known for so many years was really amazing, now that I think about it.
We made a 3,000 mile move and while it wasn't without many tears, my tears now are only happy at the thought of everything Maryland has given me. I love this state for so many reasons.
  • It's close to everything - DC, New York, Philadelphia, the beaches, the mountains- everything is just a couple of hours away.
  • It's rich in American history. It seems like everywhere you turn there is a piece of history waiting to remind you of how fortunate we are to be free. The souls of soldiers from so many wars live here, keeping the pride of our country alive. It seems like you can look at any tree and imagine someone against it, longing for their family and freedom.
  • It has seasons - it's one of the only places that gets so hot in the summer that kids run naked for months and gets so cold in the winter that you step in little snow puddles and run the dryer every day.
  • It's just Southern enough. Maryland today prides itself on being a Northern state, but everyone knows where the Mason-Dixon line is. The people are friendly and kind and always willing to take in a friend in need. They'll parent your kids, feed you til you're stuffed and laugh with you until you cry.
  • The holidays are so beautiful in Maryland. I love looking forward to a white Christmas and cookouts in the 4th. The holiday season here always feels authentic. With radio stations playing 24 hours of Christmas music as you put your Thanksgiving dishes away, nothing feels more like home than fighting with Andrew about just when it's really appropriate to start listening.
  • The people are diverse. I love the fact that our social circle includes so many people from so many places. It seems like people are never really "from" Maryland, but everyone calls it home.
  • Maryland gave me Andrew, and that's the best thing about this place.

1 comment:

Jennifer Merkel said...

This got me so choked up.
I love our state for all the same reasons, and God has given us so much here.
Thanks for remembering.