Yesterday I decided to be ambitious and make my own advent calendar! it came out really cute, but I'm very tired of hammering my thumb. I took a piece of scrap wood that Andrew had in the basement and nailed 25 little tacks into it and drilled two holes for hanging. Then I made 25 little number tags on the computer and mounted them on cardstock. On the back of each I have a little message. Since Lucy is still pretty young, I listed Christmas activities for this year. Tonight is #2, and it says "Let's decorate the Osborne Newman Center for Christmas!" since we're going to be heading to campus tonight to visit with Father Ed. I went through my calendar and wrote down things that we already have planned, and also picked out a few ideas for Lucy and I to do together. Other things on the backs of the tags include, "Today is a special Daddy Day! Time for Christmas shopping!" and "Let's drive to Rocky Gap to see the light show!" and "Today is Saint Lucy Day!"

I think it came out really cute and I had a really good time making it. I hung it just high enough that Lucy can see it but can't pull the stars down, since taking apart the Christmas decorations is really her favorite activity right now...
Here are Lucy and Daddy napping after Mass on Sunday. Lucy slept right through Church and came home to sleep for another two hours. Andrew now admits that while Lucy shouldn't nap on me every day, he understand why I'm having a hard time quitting...
That advent calendar is awesome! You do great work, Laura! I can see why you wouldn't want to qiut sleeping with Lucy.. she looks so cozy. :) I had a great time at the cookie bake. My box gets lighter everyday...
That last comment was from Kandi.. forgot to sign my name.
What a great idea Laura. It was so much fun when Meghan and Maddie were Lucy's age. I miss that time! Whew!...in a blink of an eye they are tweens and on the verge of high school!!! Amazing.
I love advent calendars...when I was little I had advent calendars with lifesavers tied with a yarn bow.
My girls had the "chocolate" ones...didn't taste like chocolate but was alot of fun...till they decided to eat all their days in one day! That was the last year we did advent calendars.
Just think, next year you will have Phoebe to join in the excitement of the holidays.
Hope all is well otherwise. So glad to hear Lucy liked her Thanksgiving Day card.
Aren't Meg and Maddie growing up quickly?!! Beautiful girls though I must say.
Love you,
Tammy (Grandma)
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