30 December 2009

Save Me!!!

So, we're spending what should be a night of drunken debauchery in our luxury hotel bar with our angels, who are working hard and fast to take this entire room apart before 9pm. We need to be at the airport at 4am, so we decided to stay the night in Seattle and have some "fun" pulling an all-nighter with the girls.

So, as you can see, i'll be back to blogging more faithfully as we get home and settled in! Our trip has been so wonderful, but we're pooped!

- Laura & Andrew

22 December 2009

Drastic Improvement!

Well this is much better. Molly went to bed at 7 and slept right through to 2am, and then til 5:30, and she's still sleeping now! Wonderful! Lucy slept til about 4 and then came into our bed and has been very busy ever since. Molly seems to have adjusted to the time change, but I don't think we'll be that lucky with Lucy!

- Laura & Andrew

21 December 2009

In One Piece!

Hello All!
We're in Port Angeles and getting settled right in. The girls were perfect little travelers yesterday, with the exception of a lost toddler in Santa Ana. Don't worry- there was no panic at all, as neither of us knew she was missing, and she was happily receiving stickers from the security guards who were paging us. They must have told her that her mommy and daddy missed her, because the line of the day was, "Daddy, you really missed me!"
We had a very long day of travel but the girls are very happy to be here and are having a blast. We had planned to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's but the combination of the overwhelming number of people and Molly's super sensitive sleeping happy have changed our plans a bit. We're staying at my uncle's guest house now, about ten minutes away. It's turning out to be beyond perfect for us, as Molly can have her own room and sleep well, and Lu has the chance to wind down quietly before bed and really collect herself after the chaos of family and rough play. And Andrew and I have a little more space to soak up some of the holiday peace we were going to miss with all of our travel. Win, win, win! The house is lovely, the view superb and the innkeeper is always a joy. It's so nice to have a bit of solitude amid the Christmas rush.
Tomorrow we'll be heading out early for more visiting! We're going to take the little ladies to see their Aunties! Pictures to follow!

17 December 2009

To Lucy From Santa

Click here to see Santa talk to Lucy!

Why Me?

Today is just one of those days. I stumbled upon this blog an hour ago, and in the midst of the praise I'm sending for sweet Lily, my heart is just aching for the children out there who need families.

I feel so, so, so called to navigate this world with many, many children. I have such a giving partner in Andrew, and chaos drives us to love and laugh together. The challenge of raising children has given our marriage such a gift and our "can-do" spirit is just growing and growing.

Worldwide, there are millions of children who won't know a mother's touch this Christmas Eve...who won't ride a "Daddy Horse" this year...who don't have shoes to keep their sweet little feet warm...who don't have a stack of books and a cup of water to keep them company at night...who don't have a bed full of warm bodies to find in the night...who don't have a closet full of clothes to pick through...who don't have a special lovey to talk to...who don't have a clean bathtub to pretend in...who don't have something to call their own.

Have you considered adoption as a means to add a child to your family? If you've ever wondered if this could be the right step for you, please take a second and check out Showhope.org. This site has inspired me in so many ways and is such a beautiful testimony to God's Will in the lives of so many beautiful children. If you've thought of adopting and have no idea where to start, try THIS PAGE.

In the meantime, and even if adoption isn't in your own future, will you take a few moments today to send up a prayer for the millions of children without families?

"Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories..."
~An Affair To Remember

16 December 2009

Just a few pics!

Three little girls + storytime at Borders = mayhem.

Lucy + a gray crocheted hat = cuuuute!

Mo + pilaf = bliss.

Lucy + Santa hat = a holly, jolly Christmas.

- Laura & Andrew

Holida-at! Celebra-ate!

As you've probably noticed, the blogging is slowing down for the holidays and I'll be taking a break while we're spending time with family and enjoying the break! I'll post little things and pictures each day but I'll be posting from my phone for the most part, so they'll be brief. I'll be back for realsies in mid-January, after Suz and I finish terrorizing the Lone Star state!
Have a very safe and blessed holiday season and a very, very Happy New Year!

- Laura & Andrew

14 December 2009


A study released today announced that Fort Worth is 3rd in the nation for clean water! I knew it was a delicious water, but I had no idea just how wonderful it really was. :-) I haven't filtered my water since moving, and I'm so glad someone has reinforced my decision to do so! This just makes my day as I've been working so very hard to drink diligently. Merry Christmas, Laura. You deserve it!

13 December 2009

Today I...

Cleaned the car.
Enjoyed a very warm and sunny Texas December day.
Folded all of the laundry on my bed instead of swooping it to the floor.
Started the day crying into my heating pad and ended the day necking and laughing with my adorable husband.
Went to church and enjoyed a child-free Mass.
Overspent at Albertsons with those I call my family.
Nearly finished my Christmas shopping.
Talked to my cute mom.
Nebulized the Molly monster twice.
Cuddled my sweet Lucy girl.
Did not eat lunch.
Looked for my keys again. Still gone.
Cleaned the dishwasher with Lemmi-Shine. Ha.
Begged Andrew for another baby. Was gently shot down in my momentary lapse of common sense.
Nursed the baby about a billion times.
Ate too many peanut butter blossoms.
Decided yet again that Andrew is just about as perfect as they come.

So, yeah, productive day!

Just to document for later, Lucy has this hilaaaaarious thing she says. When she says something out loud that she thinks might really kill, she asks in this singsong voice, "Is that FUNNNEEEE???" and we can't help but crack up every single stinking time. So now Andrew and I are getting into this silly habit of asking, "is that funny?!" after nearly everything we say. I can't get enough of my little comedianne.

So, so early, y'all...

Luc is snacking on Cheerios and I'm enjoying some Clifford with her. It's nice and early here in Texas. I think I'll call my mama in a few hours. All of her flitting about stage has seriously cut into our phone time. Lesson learned. No more theater for her! Well, to tell the truth, I hear she's been having a fabu time and may be up for a Tony this season, so go mom! I'm bummed that I didn't get to see the show!
So, today we haven't a thing planned. I should probably get some major cleaning and organizing done around here. I think I'll tackle the girls' closets and maybe work on the office. A rolling stone, you know...
It's supposed to be 70 DEGREES today!!! Holy molybdenum. (my autocorrect came up with that instead. Very reliable.) So we have big plans to play outside!! Woop woop! I think that'll include cleaning up the garage and making a nice little spot for Andrew's sweet ride. I also really need to clean out my car.
In other fabulous news, we're ONE WEEK out from out Christmas trip! I am SO excited! I can't wait for fires, hot cocoa, Christmas lights, midnight mass, Grandma's hugs and all that happy laughter. Against my better judgement, we've chosen to take the Molly Monster. You'll think I exaggerate her craziness until you meet her. She's just such a crazy little delight. Sort of like a Jagerbomb at a dry wedding. Love that little goofball! Everyone's doubling up on baby gates and babyproofing for Mo's arrival. I've suggested large trenches and 6x6 barriers, but no one listens to me...
So, I'm going to go check the weather again. As soon as Andrew wakes up, we'll nebulize Mini-Mo again. She took to it pretty well yesterday, and we have a follow-up tomorrow, so I'm going to stay on to of it today!
Have a wonderful Gaudete Sunday, everyone!

- Laura & Andrew

12 December 2009

Let's Talk About Death, Baby.

Molly and I took a shower last night and as I watched her cute little tooshie scooting around my extra-large shower, I thought to myself, "I hope I never miss a second of this fun little devil's life." She's just such a crazy little thing. I can't get enough of her trouble!

Of course, the thought that followed was, "I totally have to get our will in order. I can't stop taking care of her, ever."

Which I do. And I bet you do, too.

Did you know that 70% of adults die without wills?

Do you have a living will? A living trust? An executor? Guardians for your kids?

What happens if YOU die? What happens if your spouse dies? What if you're on life support? Does Dear Partner know when to let you go? Could you make the decisions if the situation were reversed? Would your in-laws feel the same as you?

These are real questions that need discussion, decisions and REAL, legal answers. People die all the time, and what's worse is that they die without leaving direction for the people who love them.

It's My Life and Legal Zoom are both great places to get started. It's hard to get the ball rolling when it comes to talking about death and dying, but as a young person, it's absolutely imperative that these decisions are made before your loved ones have to do it for you. Andrew says I should "pull the plug" nearly immediately, should something happen to him. I feel almost the opposite, should something happen to me. I'd want every experimental surgery, treatment and option available. I refuse to go without the biggest and baddest fight you've ever seen. So if Andrew didn't have those papers signed, how easy would it be for me to just let him go? Not easy at all, I'm sure. I'm sure our families would be 100% supportive of the decisions we'd need to make as a team, but grief does crazy things, doesn't it? We owe it to each other to be completely prepared. Smart Couples Finish Rich has a great section on trusts and wills. I've listed it in my store in the left-hand column, and given it as gifts to many of our friends. It's a fabulous newlywed gift, even if they don't realize it at the time!

What better gift to give to your spouse this season than the gift of clarity? What better gift to your children than the gift of security? What a fabulous New Year's resolution! Losing weight is fine, but straightening out your legal business is a huge weight off your shoulders.

Please take a few minutes this week to talk with your significant other about your future, be it together or alone. It's inexpensive now and could be very expensive later, both financially and emotionally. The holidays are a time of love, and if getting yourself together and prepared isn't an act of love, I don't know what is.

Full contact kitchening!

With the new helmet!

- Andrew

11 December 2009

Monster of a Morning.

So Lucy has this crazy little habit of responding to my "yes" or "no" with, "Why? Because there are monsters?"
I usually answer with something like, "You silly goose, there are no monsters!"

She also has this crazy little habit of opening every drawer and door in the kitchen to "see how it looks." Normally I put up with it to encourage her healthy curiosity. This morning I nearly flipped a lid as she was opening and closing as I was trying to clean. I kept tripping over her and I finally said, "Okay, close them and get out of my kitchen!" Her response was, "Why, cause there are monsters?"

I nodded slowly and replied, "Yep."

Lucy looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Oh no! I don't want them to get out! HURRY! Close the doors!"

And Mommy cleaned the kitchen to her satisfaction, door and drawers snugly closed.

That's Choreography!

The girls have black leggings and turtlenecks to wear under their Christmas jumpers, and I thought it would be fitting to remind you that...

Chicks who did kicks...

Aren't kicking anymore - they're doing Choreography!

10 December 2009

Can't Get THIS on Amazon!

Merry Christmas, Y'all!

- Laura & Andrew

Help. Me.

- Laura & Andrew

So far....exhausting.

Hi Everyone!

I promise this blog will be totally readable for the next little while, but it may be a little scattered.

I've decided not to use Google's AdSense on my blog, because it's pretty scattered and I just didn't like the unprofessional look to it. I did like the way the Amazon aStore looked, so I think I'm going to try that. I like that it allows me to add only the things I really love and would suggest to anyone. I will never allow anything on my page that I haven't tried personally and rate highly.

For now, I'm working on upping my readership and really learning how to attract and keep readers. I also need to learn how to encourage more comments. That's tough, because I'm not a good commenter myself. I suppose that's the first step! If you have any suggestions or comments, PLEASE let me know! I'm going to start working on some bigger and better posts and would love some suggestions! I love to write and I think that taking my blogging to the next level makes sense. I get so many emails suggesting that I write more and I suppose I'm dumb enough to believe them. Andrew thinks this is a wonderful idea...I'm assuming that's because I keep him at the dinner table for far too long, telling ridiculous stories. If the blog thing doesn't pan out, I promise to find a real hobby, honey!

So tell me. What do you love about the blogs you love? What makes a blog truly readable? (Other than sick children, that is...what is it about other people's suffering that keeps us so hooked??)

I must trot along. Lucy is demanding my presence at the PBS table.

09 December 2009

Hi all!
We're having a quiet night here in Cowtown. The children are nestled all snug in their beds and I've recruited Andrew to do some dirty work on my blog.
"dirty work?" you ask? Well I'll let you in on some gossip. (is it gossip if it's just Andrew and I talking at the dinner table?) I have decided to venture into the world of more serious blogging.
Andrew came home tonight and I pounced right away with my new scheme. Through the bathroom door I yelled, "I think I want to be a professional blogger!" Cue pregnant pause. He stuck his head out and repeated slowly, "Blogger?" I looked at him and said, "yes...?"
He stuck his head out again and said, "Oh good! I heard 'walker.'"

Lol, let me see if I can get a pic of the boy wonder right now.

Feast your eyes, folks. He's alllllll mine.

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for lots of exciting updates and changes, y'all!

08 December 2009

Picture Catch-Up!

Lucy is sitting on my lap as I caption and says, "It's me! And my pants falling dowwwwnn...and look at my butt sticking out!" LOL, I think she means belly button.

Snotty Mo and her cute grin.

Lucy says her head band makes her dance better.

My genius idea to freeze sandwich setups in breastmilk bags. I mean, they ARE freezer bags and now I don't have to worry about the cheese going bad before I can use it all! Genius.

Kitchen. Who knows?

Lucy dancing - the girl's got moves!

Molly and Daddy making music!

St. Nicholas' feast day was good to Lucy!

A cowboy somewhere in Dallas. I thought it was cute!

Lucy playing in her "very big house." Or the pantry. Whatever.

Daddy visits the very big house.

Crazy Poppers, keeping it real.


You know how some things just happen and continue for a long time and then you finally take a step back and think, "Well that's not really right, is it?" This would be one of those moments. I was picking up all the toys the other day and glanced at the toybox and thought, "Have they really been playing with an empty flask for the past year?"

Yeah...they have.


That's where the tongue comes in.

- Laura & Andrew

Breakfast With Molly

This kid. Can't get enough of this little imp. Her highchair is absolutely the only place I can keep her contained. I sorta love that.

- Laura & Andrew

05 December 2009

Newest Addition to the Family!

Say HELLLOOOOOO to the new Suzuki! I may just call her "Zuki".

Putting Out Fires

Boy has it been eventful around here lately! Did you know that on Friday, Andrew locked our baby in the car and we had to call the Fire Department? Oh yeah. And you thought YOUR husband was a gem. He felt terrible, but since I lost my keys weeks ago and couldn't extract said child, I'm also to blame.
The firefighters took an hour to get her out. They seemed to think that was a long time, but I said, "Well, if you knew Molly like we know Molly, this would just be another day." Andrew and I were laughing boisterously, but I guess the humor was lost on them. I mean, it was so far from an emergency. Molly seemed a tad peeved, but she's teething and sick, so she always looks a tad peeved. As the firefighters gave up and we made the decision to break the window an hour into the rescue effort, the man on the driver's side had luck and was able to get the car unlocked. Whew! It's all fun and games until someone breaks a window, you know.
All in all, our grumpy child was pulled from the safety of her carseat with nary a scratch, and the firefighters came away from the weekend with a double batch of fudge and a thank-you note from a relieved mama!

Is It Just Me...

...or is Molly's hair starting to look red?

Kind of makes me want to look ahead to baby #3! I really never would have expected this!