02 December 2009

From the mouths of babes.

Lucy comes up with all sorts of crazy stories these days, and most of them have to do with giants, monsters and "Keens." (kings?)
Today she was in the tub and said, "I must be a giant. I have giant feet, so I must be a giant. Molly must be a baby giant. Awww!!!!

The other day, Andrew was carrying her somewhere and told her not to pick her nose. She replied, "oh, that's good advice!"

However, I think yesterday was my favorite Lucy moment recently. I gave her a cereal bar and it really looked awful. I murmured to Andrew, "ugh, that looks like dog poop." Lucy shoved the entire thing in her mouth and started chewing. A few seconds later, she spit it out into a pile on the table. When Andrew asked what she was doing, she said, "I am NOT eating poop!"
And here I thought I'd spoken so quietly...

- Laura & Andrew

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