07 March 2009

Hello Baby!

Cousin Josiah and Molly Rose!

Cousin Jackie - she liked holding Molly as long as she was completely still!

Alison, who is very good with all of the younger cousins and is quickly becoming a baby expert!

Cousin JB, who is just in love with babies!

Our sunshiney photo shoot!


Anonymous said...

Molly you are so beautiful...love all your facial expressions, and the tongue hanging out takes me back to M & M.

Grandma and Grandpa love you....and your aunties really would love to be holding you too!

Grandma and Grandpa
Auntie Meg and Auntie Maddie

Lisa Marie said...

awww look that yawn! You got some GREAT pictures!!! thanks for sharing!!! :) Love you guys, have a safe journey home