30 April 2009

Lucy Sings!


Suzzy said...

HOLY COW. HOOOOLY COW! that was by far the cutest video to date. i just watched it 3 times in a row. i'm a melty puddle of love for that kid.

Lisa Marie said...

Laura! You have a BEAUTIFUL voice! how could I have missed that all this time!? lol. I probably knew that... didn't I? wait, how could I have missed how awesome your voice is? Anyway, OH MY GOSH so cute! Love how Lucy was totally singing the words AND dancing to it!!! AHH!! So precious!! flash forward to drama plays and Lucy as the star! AHH! can't get over it. i'm so in love :)

Amanda said...

How sweet. Laura, you have a great voice! Lucy looks so cute dancing.