09 April 2009

Slight turn of events.

Today was nice. Well, it's only 4, so it's still nice. The girls are actually both sleeping right now after a busy day of spending Daddy's money and lunching with Mr. Handsome himself.

I was driving home and I started thinking about how thirsty I was. I thought, "I need some ice water." And then, a lightbulb went off in my head. I started adding up how much milk I drink in a day and then multiplied that by the number of calories (110) in a serving, which I know to be one cup. At minimum, in milk alone, I'm consuming anywhere between 600 and 1000 calories a day. So here I am trying to maintain a 1500 calorie diet when in reality it's probably closer to 2500, which is a LOT. I don't eat much at all. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not an overeater, and not even much of an eater. I do, however, love my milk. I only drink 1%, but the calories REALLY add up when you drink almost a half gallon a day.
So today at the grocery store, I didn't buy milk. That was tough, but denying myself these things is getting easier as I work at it. I have a filter tank in the fridge for water and I do drink a LOT of water. I don't drink coffee, tea, soda or juice. Ick. It just makes me feel slow and gross. I've never been a juice drinker and hot drinks just make me feel weird. I've stopped buying cereal because it has almost no nutritional value and it doesn't start my day off well. Since there's so much sugar in cereal AND milk, I was starting the day with way too much sugar and crashing around 10am. Andrew loves eggs but I'm not really a big egg person because it's a lot of work in the morning. However, I realized that eggs do get me off on the right foot in the mornings, so I take the time to make egg sandwiches for Andrew and I with 100 calorie English muffins and a slice of cheese. I do love, love, love English muffins, so Andrew and I both start the day with something filling and good for us, which makes saying goodbye to cereal a bit easier.
Leaving milk behind is not going to be easy, but I feel confident as I type this. Like Jane said today, there's something strange about cross-species lactation anyway. And if I can continue to remind myself that I'm cutting out nearly 1000 calories a day, I'll be ok. Andrew seems concerned because when I don't drink milk I tend to be very testy. So my real goal for the next few days is to get through this without being totally crabby and mean to him. I'm also going to save major money, too, right? It feels win-win at 4:19pm on Thursday. Must bookmark this post.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is quite a realization on your part. I know you love milk but a half gallon a day is a LOT! I'm not a big milk drinker and have never thought about the calories in milk. Hope you find cutting back makes a difference. Molly's still so tiny and you are nursing. Be patient. With cutting calories and getting exercise, you'll get to your desired weight in time.
Love you,
Grandma Susie

Katie E. said...

I could never give up my NF milk. Just make sure you're getting 3 servings of calcium so you're still strong enough to pick up your babies!!