10 May 2009

2 Years Old!

It seems like these two years have passed in nothing more than a blink. It seems like just yesterday that I was running across campus in my heels, waving a pregnancy test, to tell Andrew he was going to be a daddy. It seems like just moments ago that we found out she was a girl, and just days ago that we named her Anna Lucille in the hallway of our tiny apartment.

And now she's 2!

Everything about Lucy is just sweetness and light to me. I love everything about her, from her over-polite manners to her sweet giggles in bed in the morning. She's truly the light of our lives and we'd be so empty without these sweet girls in our life!

What do I love about Lucy at 2?

  • The way she says "hug?" when she needs a quick cuddle. She just learned this and it's a little heartbreaking to me, because if she just learned to ask for it, how many times did I not know that that was all she needed?
  • The way she yells "stickers" when she's covered in syrup and needs to be cleaned up. Apparently we still haven't learned the difference between "stickers" and "sticky."
  • Her "I love you"s. I love the way she tells me she loves me in the most random and regular situations. Today I was lifting her out of her highchair and she said it on the way down.
  • The way Molly smiles at her when Lucy's close enough for her to notice. She adores her big sister and the way Lucy showers her with love throughout the day.
  • The way she makes her daddy smile. :-)
  • The way she giggles in her sleep when we pull the blankets over her.
  • Pretty much everything else about her, too.


SpunkyToes said...

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday Lucy!!

And I love the new family picture!

celesle said...

happy birthday sweet lucy! may God continue to bless you!

Anonymous said...

She really is a doll. So so so precious! I've never met another little kid quite like her! Happy Birthday Luce!!!