26 May 2009

Tuesday, y'all!

Renee and Ben are going to be here in a little bit to distract us from the rain, but I thought I'd do a little blogging in the meantime. I really have nothing to get done today, and for that I'm very thankful.
The weekend was great. Andrew and Brian went camping on Friday and Saturday nights and Andrew made it home before church. We went to Mass and then napped for most of the day and woke up in time to head to Ruby's for a big, yummy Sunday dinner! Yesterday we didn't do a whole lot. We worked outside a bit and went to Lowe's to price grills. We ordered a pizza for dinner and basically just had a fabu time together. If I remember correctly, we also put in some heavy nap time yesterday, too.
Molly is doing great. Two days until she's 3 months old! She's such a little charmer. Always smiling and laughing. I just can't imagine an easier baby. On Sunday in church, she really needed to go down for her nap and was looking tired. Instead of letting out even the tiniest cry, she just sort of snuffled around, trying to get comfortable without disturbing anyone. With a very small little grunt, she made it clear that she'd rather be in Mama's arms. Once Andrew handed her over, she settled in and just passed right out. That's Molly, 24 hours a day. I still cannot say we've had even a moment of adjustment. For all you second-timers to be, it really is possible to transition to two without tears! We're just loving being the parents of two and still haven't had a sleepless night.
Mo is still breastfeeding very well. It's just such a welcome change after nursing Lucy. There's just nothing better than snuggling up under the blankets with Molly. She just wiggles all over, grunting and chirping, thrilled to be close to me and eating. I adore it. Being a stay-at-home Mom can be trying and monotonous. I love doing it, but it gets old cleaning the house and watching it fall apart over and over. Breastfeeding makes up for that. When you clean the house every day, people start to forget to tell you how much they appreciate you. Andrew does a great job, but he's only one man. Lucy is now saying "I love you" and is the most polite kid. I love hearing her talk. She's (almost) always a very amiable and charming kid. But Molly still needs me, and it's so nice to settle in with her and see her relax and sigh and nurse happily.
I think our gluten-free/dairy-free plan is a "go." I'm anxious to know what I'll feel like without all of these majorly processed foods in me. I also can't wait to see how Lucy starts to feel. She loves to "dip" so I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of hummus, salsa and guacamole. My biggest goal will be to nail down snacks for us to munch on, since us gals mostly snack through the day. Dinners won't be too hard, since we mostly eat "free" as it is. Andrew is very upbeat and willing to try whatever I suggest, so hopefully our little trial will go well! I'll keep you updated! Our anticipated start date is June 1st, so that we can clear out the kitchen without wasting food.
Well, I abandoned this post earlier, so I'm going to post it and hit the couch for a nap with the girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your "free" diet. I think I could do without cow's milk because I prefer soy milk with my cereal but I'm not sure I could go without cheese. :) Be sure to let us know how it goes!