05 July 2009


Did you know that this is my 6th move in 3 years? We love to move and we enjoy settling in to new places and having new adventures. I suppose some would say it's a little odd and unsettling, but it's just fun for us, learning about each other, making big decisions and meeting new people.

Today we're packing and Andrew is feeling icky. I don't really mind packing, but my favorite part of moving is the first night after you start to settle in and talk about where to put your furniture.

It's going to be a long, long week. Please pray as we get closer to our closing day that the contract stays strong and in place and that things move along as they have been. I'm nervous and just want all of this to be over. Owning a home has been fun and interesting, but I think that Andrew and I have learned that we're not quite at the point in our lives to own a house. We're just not ready to settle down yet. Too much to see and do yet, I suppose. Renting is fine with us. We really don't care HOW we live, so long as we're together and laughing. Owning a house really just doesn't add into it. Owning was convenient for us up here in Frostburg and we sure love this little house, but there will be many more little houses to love. In the meantime, we're going to love our big farmhouse by the creek.

I plan to blog lots this week as we continue to pack up and get ready to go. I also have a bunch of pictures to put up! Stay tuned and don't forget to change your bookmarks to www.plantedandblooming.com!

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