22 September 2009

Storyville Fun!

Today Lisa and I took the kids to Storyville at the Rosedale library
and then to McDonald's for lunch. By lunchtime, it was meltdown city.
We're lucky to have made it home in one piece! The kids loved it! Lucy
and Josiah had a blast running all over the place, and the little
girls just loved the baby garden. We'll be going back next week with
Nina and Lil, who is celebrating her birthday today! We love you so
much sweet LillyBits! Lil is such a trip and she's getting so big! She
stayed with me on Saturday night and was a perfect angel - love that
kid! She and Lu play so well together now and Lilly always makes sure
to include Molly. She's a doll!
We're home now and Lucy is watching Fantasia and really loving
it...it's an old VHS copy, though, and the sound is totally whack. And
Mo is sleeping on me, under my iPhone, while I type with one hand.
Look out! Here come Storyville pics!

Sent from my iPhone

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