31 October 2009

A Halloween Vacation!

Lucy's Cabbage Patch Doll "Baby Anna" is driving us batty, so to speak. Lucy insists that we "hode" her during every waking hour and "hode her haaaands" to make her gesture while we speak in a high "Baby Anna" voice.
Andrew and I are about ready to stage a walk-out. It's getting ugly. We're starting to hide when we see her coming. Well, when we see THEM coming. I suppose this is what makes you even more of a team in parenting; the plotting and scheming to stay sane.
So Baby Anna is taking a few weeks off. She'll be traveling the world from the comfort of the shelf in Lucy's closet. Yeah, it's that bad. We will pretend we haven't seen her, of course. It's the only way. We've tried everything else.

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

Aww you're so mean!! let the child love the doll... lol ;)