I've been on the fence about weaning Molly. She'll be one next week! I truly can't believe how quickly this year has flown by.
I'd really like to nurse to 2. I thought I'd be over it by now, but Molly's only quiet, relaxed time is when she's nursing. I think she needs it as much as I do, if only to calm her busy mind and body for twenty minutes.
She's nursing 2 or 3 times a day now; she likes to nurse and snuggle when she wakes up in the morning and when she gets up from her naps.
WHO recommends breastfeeding until age 2. I would love to nurse until then, and Andrew and I don't yet have plans to have another baby, so I'm all for it. I would, however, like a short (long?) break between nursing and pregnancy. It's a tough decision. I thought it would be weird nursing an older baby who was learning to talk. Instead, I'm finding it to be really, really neat. Molly loves to pull off and tell me things. She actually babbles in her baby language and gestures in her little ways about breastfeeding. It's so neat to see her trying to talk to me about this and knowing she'll never remember it. It's sort of like seeing an ancient civilization before it's gone. I'm a witness to the simplest of simple pleasures. Now that she's nursing for comfort and not hunger, it's nice to be the one and only place she can just let it all go.
I thought I'd be itching to wean right about now, but now that we're here, I'm not so sure...
I love how you put this into words. I felt so much the same when I was nursing my babies. Every one is different and every one has a different "style" at the breast. Molly sounds like she has found the place that she can be herself with mom. Not the little sister, not the baby, but Molly, the individual. That's so nice.
I think that's so neat... I've always thought it would feel kinda "weird" too... but also wonder that because my kids are so BIG. I think it's awesome you two can share that, and why not do it for as long you both please? That picture, btw, is just beautiful. You need to submit that to La Leche League or something! gorgeous :) Love you ladies- enjoy the sweet snuggles while they last!
I came back to your blog today to leave a comment. I was nursing my Molly when I visited yesterday and couldn't type a comment. Molly still loves nursing at almost 2 1/2. I don't know how I'm going to wean her. My dad was sick around the time she turned two, and it wasn't a good time to wean. She nurses more than your Molly does. She asks for it all day long! I'd love to keep the conversation going about this!
I'm actually at the opposite end from where you are. Jamie is 3 weeks old today and I'm finally okay with nursing. It was really, really hard at first. I wanted to quit so many times in the first week, but that's mostly because I was just so exhausted. I kept doing it because I didn't want to quit without giving it a fair shot and I wanted Jamie to get the benefits of nursing. I thought I'd go to 6 weeks, but now I have a firm goal of at least 3 months, and I'll decide then if I'm ready to make it to 6 months. But I just wanted to say that your posting about Molly nursing was inspiring to me. Not a lot of people are so open about it, which makes it hard to be successful. I just hope I can keep it up and that my body is willing to cooperate!
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