14 March 2010

Gorgeous Day!

Don't you just love the way chalk looks lying around? I do.

I also adore all the soft, new grass coming in! Just wonderful for bare feet and babies!

And speaking of babies, I finally got their hospital stuff into shadow boxes! I'd been meaning to do it absolutely forever, but you know how those things go. I found these on sale at Michael's and boy do they look cute with all those footprints and tiny shirts in them. Brought back so many memories of holding my tiny girls. I need more babies! I think this wood color is what I'm looking for as far as getting their new room together. I think I'm going to try to talk Andrew into buying the bunk bed set up for Lucy's birthday, you know, the ones that can be twin beds or bunk beds. Lucy's room will have two beds in it until we're ready to move Mo in with a little rail on hers. That'll be so soon in the scheme of things! They just grow so fast, don't they??

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