17 April 2010

Lost In Translation

L: Oh hey, here's another new penny with a DIFFERENT back!

A: Another one? How did we miss the fact that all these new pennies were coming out?

L: We miss a lot of things. We live in a bubble. Did you hear that the death toll in China reached like, 1500? Wait. Did you hear there was an earthquake in China?

A: Actually, I did hear that. Yao Ming set up a hotline?

L: Elliott?

A: Huh?

L: The American Idol contestant?...oh. You said Yao Ming. Not Yamin.

A: Blank stare. Silence.

1 comment:

JessF said...

Hi Laura, I'm a blogger-stalker and have loved reading your blog.

Another blog I read posted this and I thought this would be right up your ally!