Mother's get a day
But come on now? Only a day???
I hereby propose that Mother's celebrate the entire "Teachers Week" as Momeachers (or Tothers, if you prefer) Week! Yes. Combine 'em folks. Afterall, aren't mothers also (usually) educators to their children??
Disclaimer: This post was written entirely, solely and sincerely by Mr. Andrew S. Cooke without coercion or the threat of coercion or retaliation by his spouse :-)
Happy Momeachers Week Ya'll!
Side note to save you guys the research.... I highlighted, well, the highlights :-)
JAN - National Oatmeal Month, Hot Tea Month, Be On-Purpose Month, National Book Blitz Month, Bread Machine Baking Month, Candy Month, Celebration of Life Month, National Clean Up Your Computer Month, Clinical Trial Awareness Month, Egg Month, Family Fit Lifestyle Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month, National Gourmet Coffee Month, High-Tech Month, Image Improvement Month, International Creativity Month, International Quality of Life Month, Mail Order Gardening Month, National Mentoring Month, Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month, Poverty in America Awareness Month, Random Action Month, Reaching Your Potential Month, Senior Women's Travel Month and Yours, Mine, & Ours Month
FEB - National Black History Month, American Heart Month, Wedding Month, Back For Family Fun Week, International Boost Self-Esteem Month, International Expect Success Month, National Bird Feeding Month, National Caffeine Addiction Awareness Month, National Cherry Month, National Children's Dental Health Month, National Hot Breakfast Month, National Single and Searching Month, Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month, Publicity for Profit Month, Potato Lover's Month, Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month, Spiritual Teachers Month and Wise Health Care Consumer Month
MAR - National Nutrition Month, Red Cross Month, Social Worker's Month, Women's History Month and Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and Umbrella Month, Peanut Month, Noodle Month, Mirth Month, Spring Month, Hoops Madness, Poetry Month, Umbrella Month, Red Cross Month, Youth Art Month, Academy Awards Month, Ethics Awareness Month, Help Someone See Month, Social Worker's Month, Women's History Month, National Nutrition Month, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Honor Society Awareness Month, Humorists Are Artists Month, International Listening Awareness Month, International Mirth Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, Music in Our Schools Month, National Collision Awareness Month, National Craft Month, National Kite Month, National Nutrition Month, Optimism Month, Play the Recorder Month, Poison Prevention Awareness Month
APR - National Poetry Month, Guitar Month, Humor Month, Autism Awareness Month, Cancer Control Month and Occupational Therapy Month, Animal Cruelty Prevention Month, Autism Awareness Month, Books to Brighten Young Minds Months, Community Spirit Month, Confederate History Month, Couple Appreciation Month, International Customer Loyalty Month, International Guitar Month, International Legacy Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, Lawn and Garden Month, Mathematics Education Month, National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month, National Humor Month, National Pet First Aid Awareness Month, National Poetry Month, National Self-Publishing Month, National Smile Month, National Youth Sports Safety Month, Occupational Therapy Month, Pets Are Wonderful Month, School Library Month, Spring Break Month, Straw Hat Month, World Habitat Awareness Month
MAY - Older American's Month, BBQ Month, Bike Month, Steelmark Month, Skin Cancer Awareness Month and Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Barbecue Month, Better Hearing and Speech Month, Better Sleep Month, Breathe Easy Month and Clean Air Month, Creative Beginnings Month, Flower Month, Get Caught Reading Month, Graduation Month, Month of Mary, National Bike Month, National Book Month, National Egg Month, National Family Month, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, National Prom Graduation, Safety Month, National Salad Month, National Scholarship Month, National Sight-Saving Month, Older American's Month, School's Out, Skin Cancer Awareness Month
JUNE - Candy Month, Rose Month and Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, Graduation Month, Hamburger Month, Flower Month and Egg Month, Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, Send A Rose Month, Graduation Month, Hamburger Month, Flower Month, Candy Month, Rose Month, Egg Month
SEPT - Honey Month, Piano Month, Little League Month, Fall Hat Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th thru October 15th), Subliminal Marketing Month and Kids Good Manners Month, Piano Month, Honey Month, Chicken Month, Back to School, Fall Hat Month, Autumn Fun Month, Little League Month, Classical Music Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Kids Good Manners Month
OCT - Caramel Month, Cookie Month, Dinosaur Month, E-Card Month, Fired Up Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, AIDS Awareness Month, Clergy Appreciation Month, Pregnancy and Infant Awareness Month, Roller Skating Month, Sarcastics Month, Stamp Collecting Month and Vegetarian Awareness Month, National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th thru October 15th) and National Disability Employment Awareness Month, AIDS Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Caramel Month, Clergy Appreciation Month, Cookie Month, Dinosaur Month, Eat Country Ham Month, eCard Month, Fall Fired Up Month, Gay & Lesbian History Month, Pregnancy & Infant Awareness, Pretzel Month, Pumpkin Festival, Rollerskating Month, Sarcastics Awareness Month, Stamp Collecting Month, Vegetarian Awareness Month
NOV - Aviation History Month, Diabetes Awareness Month, Georgia Pecan Month, Native American Heritage Month, Peanut Butter Lover Month, Vegan Awareness Month and Sleep Comfort Month, Aviation History Month, Diabetes Awareness Month, Georgia Pecan Month, Native American Heritage Month, Peanut Butter Lover's Month, Sleep Comfort Month, Vegan Awareness Month
DEC - Made In America Month, Hi Neighbor Month, National Stress Free Month, Family Holiday Month, Bingo's Birthday Month, Read A New Book Month, Bingo Month, Hi Neighbor Month, Holiday Thank You Month, Interfaith Month, Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Stress Free Holidays Month, Universal Human Rights Month
no wonder this society is obese. Look how many times a year we celebrate cookie "month"! Yikes!!
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