Well, I would say we ventured out, but driving 3 miles to Andrew's office is hardly a "venture." I suppose when you add 20,000 people to the picture, it becomes more venturesome. (Don't repeat that. I can't tell if it's really a word or not and I'm too lazy to check. Suz?)
Alliance Airport held its annual air show today and we decided to brave the crowds to see the Blue Angels. It was crowded, but they had corn dogs. I got two so that we could all share, and Molly LOST. HER. MIND. at the thought of sharing her corn dog. So as you can see, we ended up splitting one between the two girls to avoid catastrophe. They were undeniably the best corn dogs known to man. I was all too happy to pay the $20 parking fee just to get a stinkin' corn dog.
I was incredibly excited about seeing the Blue Angels, but they were slated to be the last show of the day. When we got there at 11:30, we had no idea just how long 4 hours in the bright sun would turn out to be.
The lemonade was also incredibly amazing.
I thought the feet under the plane was cute. I mean, not CUTE, cause it's a bomber, but you get the idea.
Andrew and the girls under the wing of the B-52. Duuuuuuude.
Psh. Like we don't hear that all the time...
Touching a plane! (Note the huge earplugs tenderly shoved into their tiny ears. They both actually left them in all day long without so much as a tiny whimper. We got the thick putty ones that you really have to puuuuush in and both girls were just peachy with them. Amazing.)
Andrew and the girls checking out a bi-plane.
The pink helicopter, however, was the true star of the show.
In true Lucy fashion, she cooed "Awww! What a cute little tiny heddicopper!"
The 1,652nd bribe of the day.
Boys and girls, do you know what that little speck is? Andrew would like you to know that it's an F-22 Raptor. This is vital information. Andrew's days in defense contractor have turned him into an aviation nerd. He was fairly quivering when he got a look at the Raptor. It was like he was seeing Jesus. If Jesus were a fighter jet. I'm betting His Ascension was a little slower than the Raptor's.
Here's how this part went: "Ohmigosh. Did you see that?!?!? The bay doors were OPEN. They were like, completely open!!!" And then Andrew and 19,000 men wept.
"Who's been eating my porridge!?!"
A very tiny glimpse of the insane number of cars. Take, say, your local summer fair. Now multiply that by...400.
So we left. Without sunscreen, Andrew and I were turning a deep shade of red. Without naps, the girls were turning into monsters. Without a constant supply of water, Tex was turning into a cramp. So we booked it out of there before the Blue Angels started their show and headed for a little piece of land where we could watch the action. We got a great show just outside of the airport and then headed home.
As it happens, the best shot of the day was actually the last 5 minutes they were in the sky as they buzzed over the top of our neighborhood and house. Sweet.
it is indeed a word. also, what the heck does having the bay doors open do or not do? what IS a bay door? i have so much to learn.
FUN! We hope to go to ours next weekend. Email me - are ear plugs necessary?
Yes... what is a bay door? This looks like you all had so much fun! I love the pictures and this was just a great post. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and I think the pink helicopter was the best too Lucy :) haha
Suz, what??? Come on. The bombs on the Raptor are stored WITHIN the aircraft not hanging off some flimsy wing like all of its predecessors.
So, to release the bombs, it has to open its bomb bay doors! It flew by us with the doors open which allowed the crowd to get visually a few feet closer to the inside of the most technologically advanced aircraft in the world today!
** Weeps with joy ** Just thinking about the Raptor, and
** Weeps with sadness ** For Suz's comments.
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