21 December 2010

ever baked with a skeptic?

Molly's first time rolling out gingerbread cookies

 doesn't she look incredibly underwhelmed and put-upon?

do you ever get the feeling she's done thing before and seen the disastrous results?

 being the good sport she is, Molly chose to smile anyway to appease the parents.

she's incredibly symmetrical until she smiles. then it all goes crooked.

this is Molly's "no" face. no, i don't take it seriously either. 

 decorating like her life depends on it, Lucy stays focused and on-task.

 and when you decorate like your life depends on it, you need to shove your entire forefinger into the depths of the the cookie.

once you impale the cookie, we recommend a handstand.

 while the cookies baked, we enjoyed some chicken and rice on our filthy table. well, Mo enjoyed my chicken. she dumped 4 tablespoons of salt on her plate while my back was turned.

when the cookies came out, it was very clear that things went horribly wrong. they were crap. for once, i was willing to believe that maybe Molly has done this before. the results? disastrous.

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