13 January 2011

Die, Spotty Internet.

Well, my children are playing happily in my latest bad idea, so I thought I'd take a moment to say hello. My internet has been BAD, so who knows if I'll even get this posted tonight. But I'm making the effort.

So, life in North Texas is cold. And I'm tired. 23 weeks pregnant, delivering in a mere 14.5 weeks or so. The baby is getting huge and strong. I can grab at limbs now, which is my favorite part of pregnancy, but with big limbs comes baby fat and increased weight. Blah.

Oh, yes. It's cold. Very, very cold. It's been in the 30's/40's for a week, and that actually turns me into a giant ogre. Okay, an ogre. Gestation takes care of the giant thing on it's own. That combined with the pregnancy hormones and general exhaustion, plus one other major thing, has me really, really having a hard time controlling my mood. I feel like hibernating. I'm a very, very, very bubbly person and it really gets me down when I can't be my usual self, and people seem to take offense when I'm not lighthearted and entertaining. Seriously. I don't think I'm that entertaining as a rule, but people really seem to follow my lead on moods and anything less than 100% cheerful is never well-received. Even a quiet day is perceived as "angry." I'm generally a pretty quiet person at home, so maybe that's why Andrew is truly the only person I know who is able to just love me through a "bad mood." I don't think he expects to be entertained, even though he swears he married me to laugh for the rest of his life. (I generally tell people he married me for my amazing body. Hah!) Then again, he's a positively spectacular human being, and I married him for his ability to keep from smacking me. I would smack me. I'd probably be far happier if it were 70 degrees and sunny. I've grown accustomed to nice weather, and I think bad weather tends to really bring me down, as a result.

Just an aside - I dyed rice in a variety of colors for the girls, put up the superyard on top of an old king comforter and put the rice in the middle. Their hands are completely blue. I think it's hilarious, but Lucy's going to FREAK when she realizes it won't wash off. Her daddy is the SAME WAY. Weirdos.

Let's see...Lucy is turning into quite the little comedienne - she just kills me with her quick wit. I'm almost afraid to invite these kids to Thanksgiving 20 years from now. She and Molly are both incredibly quick and their humor is very dry, just like their mama. Last night I was cutting a skeleton out to laminate. It was in pieces and I was making a sort of human body puzzle for my girl. Lucy was waiting anxiously and I said, "Well when you're cutting little things, you have to have patience!" Lucy, who was watching me VERY closely, said, "Well if you're cutting bones, you already have a lot of patients!" Ba-dum-bum.

Molly? Molly who? She's up for a quick sale if you're interested...homegirl has been pushing buttons like crazy lately! She's not just saying "no." Molly uses her standard flair and yells, "No WAY, Mama!" She also bears an uncanny resemblance to my mother-in-law. Every time she yells at me, she gives me a very angry look. And I love my mother-in-law, and I can't help but think about how much it would bum me out if my mother-in-law gave me that look. So maybe my reluctance to discipline Molly is a latent fear of disappointing my mother-in-law? Why I'm not a therapist, I'll never know.

Tonight is Big Bang Theory. I pretty much live for that show. I really, really love the fact that it's nearly family-friendly. No bad language, no snotty kids, no heavy petting or nudity, nothing but science and nerds. Which is nice, since it comes on at 7pm. It's one of the only 7pm shows that I can watch while Lucy's in the room.

A second aside. Molly has been sitting in the rice which she's been playing. She is now completely blue. She looks like a smurf. This thrills me, for some reason. It's probably the weather. The little things, you know. Gee, they're yelling for me again. Hold on a second.


Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of the little smurf! Your kids are TOO CUTE - much like their mama. Thanks for the chuckle tonight

Lisa Marie said...

LOL I love this. you are so funny! I need to see a picture of Molly the Smurf. Please tell me you got a picture of that! I think she'd make a good smurf for Halloween maybe :) Thanks for blogging, I've been going through withdrawl. Michael said he hasn't blogged lately... I told him to get on it so you don't go through withdrawl. We've had plenty other transportation emergencies he could blog about. so keep checking. love you!!! p.s. You can be crabby. Cold + pregnancy = crabby. If you weren't, I would wonder what's wrong. I'm crabby all 9 months, just because I'm pregnant! you're much better than me ;) Hang in there!