Tonight we were in the car and I was playing the "I'm going to grab your legs and eat them" game while Andrew drove. The girls were enjoying the little game and Lucy was, of course, curled up in a tiny ball where I couldn't reach her. I told her I was going to use my stretchy arms to get her and she scoffed and said, "Come on and try." I could just feel her little head wagging from side to side. She is one kid who never has an attitude of any kind, so when she does it just about kills me.
Today at naptime, I told her I was going to put Molly down and then come to my bed where she was so I could nap with her. Silence. A few seconds later, "Uhhh...why don't you just cuddle up on the couch? I really can't sleep when you snore, and you snore every time you fall asleep." Even Andrew doesn't shoot me down THAT directly. She obviously has her mother's diplomacy...So I slept on the couch. Motherhood is truly an exercise in humility.
We just got in from a date night. The little folks went to the gym. Molly, who is certainly NOT potty-trained at home, needs to be potty-trained to attend Parents Night Out. So I stuck her in a pullup and said, "Make sure you use the big potty tonight!" What does my superstar do? She does exactly what I've told her to do. Not only does she stay dry, but she remembers to tell her coach when she needs to go potty and actually DOES it. Apparently she's on the ball enough to be potty trained for four hours once a month. Until I had Molly, I had no idea that God gives you some children just to leave your mouth hanging open. Molly would be that child. She puzzles me about 85% of the time. The other 15%, I'm just trying to hide the fact that I'm aware of what she's doing so I don't have to react. Choosing your battles with Mo means letting her completely run the show. How we've managed to end up with an incredibly polite and well-behaved kid who still manages to completely run the house can only be attributed to the fact that she's Andrew's carbon copy. Andrew manages to keep complete control of everything with extreme calm and patience, while he makes you believe it was all your own idea. Molly actually does the exact same thing, at the age of two. No bad behavior. Just 24/7 charm. It's going to kill me.
Molly aside, we had a fun date night. We saw The Adjustment Bureau and had dinner at On The Border. OTB just happens to be next to the theater, so we just did that to make it easy on ourselves. Since they don't have a restaurant out there that serves bowls of cereal, Tex Mex had to do. What it is about cereal and pregnancy, I'll never understand. The movie was a great diversion, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I do much better with witty comedies, but Matt Damon makes almost anything okay by me. I mean, the concept of the movie was interesting, but I just wanted to grab poor Matt by the shoulders and shake him and scream, "Is this really what Jason Bourne would do?!?!?"
Well baby Tex is still trying to work out the plot and kicking the stuffin' out of me in the process, so I'm going lie down and see if I can't convince the little trapeze artist to take a little rest. If this baby comes out with that same freaky streak of orange hair that Molly has right on the top of her head, I'm going to have to be taken to a secure floor before they even staple me up. I know they say lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but...
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