28 April 2011

Various and sundry.

I really don't have much to talk about, so I thought I'd just add the latest pictures from around the house. We made Paschal candles during Holy Week, and they came out so cute! The kids were really able to help and they were super simple. Had I any artistic ability at all, I'd so monogram a couple and actually make them insanely awesome. Maybe I could trace...

Babydoll Roll Call. L to R - Molly, Orange Baby, Baby Cinderella, Snap and Style Baby, Baby Baby, Baby Aurora, Dirty Baby, Scary Baby, Poopy Baby, Jingle Baby, Baby Beans (Mimi's baby from childhood - a fave around here!), Hairy Baby (Mama's baby from childhood - another "always naked" hit), Lucy, Bear McNair. 

Molly with stickers all over her face. Obviously. 

                                            Two girls under a blanket with a flashlight.

The tulip that ate Forth Worth. We bought this one week ago tonight at Walmart. When we bought it, it fit neatly in a white plastic grocery bag and the not-yet-open blooms came to the bottom of the sign behind it. Clearly, something is amiss. The stem in the very front, right over the bird? That wasn't there 4 days ago. At all. In seven days it's grown into the most terrifying plant we've ever housed. It grows by at least a couple of inches every day, and it's so heavy it's starting to crawl. It reminds me of a Goosbumps book.

Our table set for a weeknight dinner. this was about 5 minutes before Molly climbed up and spilled her milk everywhere, and about two hours after I put a clean tablecloth down.

                                              The napkin basket! I like the red ones the best.

See? They're so easy a Golden Retriever could make them. I cut a 20x20 square, roll the side to make a double hem, zig-zag stitch and pretend I bought them from someone who actually knows how to use a sewing machine. I've been screaming at my machine for three days. Then I realized I was using the bobbin from my other machine. It complicates things.

Well folks, that's about as good as it gets around here. Nothing very thrilling, except for the tulip that's about to eat my two-year-old. Over and out.


Lisa Marie said...

dang. I knew golden retrievers were smarter than me!

Jennifer Merkel said...

Well, maybe SOME Golden Retriever could make them....
I love the nappy-kins though. You're follow through is much better than mine. My ideas usually get about as far as looking it up online.