Y'all, I am TIRED. Bone tired. I've had three people out today for various what-have-you and I still see no end in sight. Boxes everywhere. Children everywhere. There may be more children than boxes. They run too fast to count, you know?
Let's see. Quick recap. We moved in on Saturday. Our first night here was Saturday night. After having erroneously set the A/C to "fan" and not "auto," we decided the A/C wasn't working and promptly freaked out. We called the warranty company, who said they'd send someone out on Monday. Yay. Then we realized that if you set it to "auto," the air works fine. Hm.
Then the dishwasher didn't work. We called the warranty people. Then it worked. We called the warranty people. Shortly after that, the hot water heater stopped working and the cleanout drain overflowed. They are still not working and overflowing simultaneously. We called the warranty people. Plumber will be here tomorrow around 2. I'm supposed to be at DFW, picking up Nina and Lilly. Of course. So Andrew is going to pick them up and come back half way and I'll meet them and get home. Simple.
Is it seriously 3:30? Whew. I am one pooped trooper. We're going to go out tonight to see if we can't order a new set of French doors for the side of hte house. We currently have an old metal single-pane sliding door that is just itching to cut somebody's fingers off. While it's waiting to do that, it's letting every breath of cool air through the glass. Fantastic. So we're putting off our painting transformation to buy doors and windows for the living room. 4 HUGE windows. French doors. Cash running through our fingers like sand.
I also had a nice visit with a handyman named Willie who is fixing to relocate the washer and dryer from the kitchen (say wha??!?) to our incredibly large and somewhat comical master bathroom. The master bathroom is sort of like an amusement park. Since we're using the master bedroom as a den to get a little more living space, we have this monster master bath that is currently used for riding bikes and fingerpainting, that will eventually be a laundry-room/family closet/family bathroom. We have three bathrooms, but we actually all use one, all at once. We have people showering and bathing and clothing and primping and shaving all in one fell swoop, and it's a tad chaotic. I have no idea when our children will learn to take turns. I really don't.
AAAANyway, Willie and Bob will be out again later to talk about the laundryroom again. Probably get here right about the time we get to Lowes to window-shop. That's just how the day is going. Andrew called earlier and asked, "How's it going, girl? You getting it done?" I just replied, "I am. I'm just getting it done." Translation: No whining. This too shall pass, and our house will be kick-$%&..
All the crazy repairs aside, the girls are loving it out here. They played in the sprinklers all afternoon, and they're all soggy and covered in wet grass, Lucy and Alison have been "doing crafts" all day long, Molly has been wearing her diaper and a green and yellow striped sweater from Miss Pam all day. She's a trend setter. I'll get a pic. It's hilarious. We're going to go up to 7-11 in a bit to get our free Slurpees for 7/11/11.
I'm hungry for chocolate, and there's none to be found in my house. Guess that means I should keep unpacking. :-/
Laura Cooke
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa
Planted & Blooming (blog)
1 comment:
ACCKK! Yikes i forgot how chaotic moving can be! Well.. have fun... and keep gettin' it done girl- you ROCK!! We'll pray it all gets worked out smoothly and that you don't have to spend too much... yikes we did too when we first moved in, it just feels like one thing after the next, but it'll work out! :o) You hereby have permission to ignore responding to any of my emails for at least the next 4 weeks :) God bless!!!
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