11 August 2011

Driving me nuts...ugh. Come on Repuuuuuublicans!

Watching this crazy debate tonight. Don't know if I'd vote for them or Dem or Independent or not at all (hate if I have to do that).Ugh.

Herman Cain is cracking me up and he's doing surprisingly well (?!?). Bachmann & Pawlenty now both look dumb. She had an opportunity to hang Pawlenty by graciously staying quiet but she attacked and looked dumb.

The word "job" does not appear in the Constitution.
The word "job" does not appear in the Articles of Confederation.
The word "job" does not appear in the Bill of Rights.

[confession: courtesy of "ctrl+F" on the above linked sites]

The only 'jobs' that a President can create are 'federal' jobs... and trust me. THAT ain't good for America. Jobs are created by companies in a free market...

Sigh, interruption. Pawlenty/Bachmann creating more stupidity. Actually getting boo'd at this point. lol. this party is ridiculously immature. sigh... what happened. Please help us Rick Perry.

Romney says "idear" for "idea". I don't like him for a lot of reasons but that's just one more :-)
Ron Paul is a smart dude. Bit crazy. Most definitely but still the smartest guy on the stage. Santorum just ran off on some tangent about polygomy and the country being founded on moral values... hmm... maybe he just dropped some crazy words in there because he's not getting an air time :-P

Newt is a smart guy but he's got a attitude that just frustrates the bejeezus out of me. And, he always says "When I was speaker..." blah blah blah. AND, if you can't take a little heat from some Fox News guys that you speak to almost weekly... how are you going to handle the diverse issues of our entire nation today???

ROFL... no leaders in Iowa tonight. Are there any leaders in politics today? America today? Holy cow. I think that Pawlenty just quoted "Spiderman" in his closing speech. Yikes.

The only people happy with tonight's debate? Obama and Rick Perry. Oh, and maybe Donald Trump too :-)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Spot on. Great recap. lol