Her sweet smile is how I know that crimes against human life are wrong.
When she was inside me, she listened to my voice and I was all she knew. Long before I could feel her, she could hear me. She rocked inside me, safe from the world.
When Claire was born, she fussed until she heard my voice. When her eyes met mine, she knew me in a different way. Up against my skin, she was safe from the world.
When she wakes up from her nap, she rolls from side to side, searching for Mama. When I pick her up and she begins to nurse, she crumples next to me, smelling her Mama, safe from the world.
Claire knows that wherever she is, Mama is there. Holding her, nursing her, talking to her, smiling with her. Claire travels the world wrapped against Mama's back, listening to her voice and seeing things through Mama's eyes. Mama always rushes to her when she cries, pats her belly in the night, shooshes her crying. Mama keeps her comfortable and teaches her things. When Daddy and the sisters play too long or too rough, Mama swoops in to take her back into safe arms.
What would Claire think if she knew that millions of babies never meet their Mamas? What would she say if she knew that a so many of her peers aren't safe from the only voices they know and trust? That whether or not her generation survives is based on whether or not they're convenient to have around?
Sometimes Claire isn't convenient to have around. Babies aren't here to be convenient. They're here as evidence of God's perfect plan. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't mess with a perfect plan. When I look down at Claire, I know that she's not here by accident. She's a perfectly timed, perfectly planned piece of Andrew and I.
October is Respect Life Month. If I could rename it, I wouldn't call it "Respect Life Month." I'd call it "Take a closer look at the miracles around you and admit that the right to live is the most basic and beautiful thing on earth Month."
If you're a Mama right now or long to be a Mama in the future, realize that the future of the world lies in our tender, loving hands. Mamas protect their babies. Not only their own, but the babies of other Mamas. Mamas are the people who nurture the entire world. We Mamas are what will bring future generations into existence and love them into life. We MUST demand better of the people around us. Our fellow Mamas, our children, our men, our medical professionals, the media, the government, the world. The hand that rocks the cradle truly is the hand that rules the world.
The power that we have as women is undeniable. If ever there were a time to use that power, it's now, to stop the genocide happening within the borders of our country.
Go to www.40daysforlife.com and find a way to stand for the most helpless of our citizens. They'd thank you if they could, and you need to because they can't.
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