I'd caption these, but there are seriously a TON. Okay, fine. I'll caption them. I have no willpower against the imaginary voices of my blog readers. All 6 of them.
Halloween Night - Lucy and Mo hit their first house with much enthusiasm. After being told that our neighborhood is seriously awesome for trick-or-treating, House Number One says, "Huh? No. Trick-or-trating in this neighborhood is terrible!" Fantastic!
Mother Teresa takes a moment to acknowledge the Lord as she's forced against her will to partake in trick-or-treating and gluttony. Well, Mommy's gluttony.
Our beautiful Halloween sky! It was a perfect night to be out for a walk, about 80 degrees and perfectly still. And I thanked Andrew again for moving us to Texas. I thank him a lot this time of year.
Hitching a ride on the front of the stroller was super fun until we ran over Lucy. No, seriously.
Check out that sweet tiger! I will say that we only stopped here so we could snoop on the people who would go so far as to live in harmony with a stained-glass Bengal tiger. Turns out it was just a middle-aged white dude, which makes it all the more interesting to us.
Yes, my legs really are that skinny in real life.
Yes, Molly really is that funny in real life. And you can see here that my candy greed was well-rewarded. I was probably the only mommy out there who insisted on "just one more house" 30 or 40 times. Candy is big business, folks. And free candy? That's worth every step.
This is the Saturday before Halloween. Molly called this costume the "Monkey-weena." Dead on.
Temporary tattoos. Whee!
Like you've never seen a Monkey-Weena play soccer.
Or lick a bounce house.
LOVE this one. She's such a little weirdo, going nuts in the bounce house in her Monkey-Weena costume.
Have I mentioned that Claire is awesome times 20? She truly is. This is her standard expression. Once in awhile she'll let the nose scrunch relax for a bit. Other than that, always cheerful.
Isn't he cute? A + L = luv 4 evr.
Sweet girls!
Frito Pie. Oh, Texas. You make me fall harder with every year.
Molly + Nachos = luv 4 evr
My sweet ballerina.
Molly REALLY wanted a dolphin on her face. Imagine my relief when it was actually not a terrible dolphin!
Claire says, "I don't even know what day it is, but I do know that Halloween should be at least three days a week!"
Oh, Claire. If only you were cute.
This was Sunday. Halloween carnival #2! This one was walking distance from the house and FREE, so we were all over that.
Lucy riding a pony. I really had to resist the urge to buy her a Shetland pony that night. And then it all came flooding back to me. Being thrown from that terrible little pony, Pepper? Not my finest moment. Stupid pony. Besides, I'm already in line for a micro pig.
Well, that was really the extent of our Halloween festivities. We didn't even carve a pumpkin. It's sitting in the dining room with the face drawn on it. Fail.
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