07 February 2012

Erm...I suppose I could.

I am not one to shy away from controversial topics, but have had quite a time wrapping my head around this whole HHS Contraceptive Mandate Brouhaha.

More center-stage in the news was the Komen Spectacle of 2012. (From now on, we will refer to any massive flip-flop as "pulling a Komen.") Sheesh - was that a crazy week or what? Komen announces Planned Parenthood will no longer be eligible for grants, then they  are, then they are and they might not get them, blah blah, blabbity blah. The thing about Komen is this. You want to give cash to the perpetrators of the biggest genocide the world has ever seen? Good luck with that. I'll be over here in my corner, staying right with God. Everyone know that Planned Parenthood is BANANAS and that the staff and supporters of said "women's savior" will answer to a higher power at some point. Until then, nonprofits be CRAZY. I'll send my money elsewhere, permanently.

Then there were some other small things in the news. A few ultrasound laws were passed, some Prop 8 drama, Washington state legalized gay "marriage," and a couple of people tried to repeal some fetal heartbeat laws. (Which I so don't get. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you don't want mothers to hear the heartbeats of their unborn children so that they still feel completely free to kill them? Let me just pick my jaw up off the floor.)

 But the biggest news for us as Catholics is that the Obama administration has passed a law that will force Catholic institutions to cover the costs of contraceptives and abortifacients in their healthcare plans. Thank goodness we have a year to ditch our beliefs! But see, the thing is this. It's takes the Church about 20 years to change anything. Well, anything completely minor and largely unimportant. The important things? They don't change. Contraception falls into the "important" category. So...I guess we'll all go to jail, which is really nothing for Catholics. Please tell me some of you secularists have heard of martyrs before. The Roman Catholic Church has had an unbroken line of leadership since....gosh, the Crucifixion, was it? A year for the Catholic Church is like a millisecond for the average person. I'm guessing you could give us 4700 years to comply with the HHS law and it would still never happen.

And yeah, some catholics (notice I'm not capitalizing that) are all about contraception. But they're sort of like the brother that Mama prays for unceasingly, only to have them never show up for Sunday dinners or holidays. There's one (or several million) in every family, but they don't represent the good name of the family.

All I'm saying is, 1.147 billion people can't be swayed in a year. Oh and Mr. President? 1/4 of your voters are Catholics. In swing states. And they're pretty ticked. But you know, whatever.

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