22 April 2012

Moms away, Dad & Girls will play

Here are some videos of the girls & I from this past Thursday when Laura was at ENDOW. These girls just crack me up! 

Yes. I got another of the alligator growls... How could I not? Tell me that you weren't laughing so hard you were crying when you saw Molly's! I'm thinking about making her growl the start-up sound on my work computer just to start each day off with that deep laugh it gave me. LOL... so here's a follow-up clip:

So for the past few weeks, I have been teaching the girls the Pledge of Allegiance. While we're on our nightly walks in the neighborhood, whenever we see a flag (and there are lots) we pause, place our hand over our heart and say the pledge. Lucy (our little educational sponge) learned it quick!!! Motown, um, we're still working on her...So, we ended the evening by saying the Pledge "... And All" that other jazz. At least she corrected herself! :-)

Video from a few weeks ago... Stone, showing the full extent of his energy. I think we found the right breed for our little family!

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