02 May 2012

One Year of the Tiny Red Queen.

A year ago May 3rd, we walked into the hospital ready to meet our sweet baby. Not knowing if we were going to be meeting our son or our daughter, we were absolutely bonkers by the time Dr. M pulled that baby out. Hearing Andrew laugh when he looked over the curtain, I thought for sure it had to be a boy. Now that it's been a year, I think to myself, "How could I possibly not have known that it was Claire?" 

Seven pounds, eleven ounces, red hair and a very big scream.  

Claire settled in right away, perfectly content to let us gaze at her and stroke her soft, pink skin and downy red hair. But Claire let us know from Day One that she might share our last name, but the rest of the world belonged to her alone. 

We have a million nicknames for her, but she really needs no introduction. Claire's fiery attitude and big voice dictate everything we do, all day long. She's snuggly, but only to lull us into thinking that the plotting and planning has quieted. She's giggly, but only so we don't figure out that there's a tiny dictator just waiting to take charge again. She's very soft and pudgy, but only so she doesn't give away her iron will and ridiculous physical strength. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wait her her to scream, "Take her to the tower! Off with her head!" Tiny Queen Claire rules the land, and the land obeys.
There is nothing about Claire that isn't adorable, squishy and round, and I suppose that makes her crazy world-domination scheme all the funnier. It must be terrible for Queen Claire to see her court laughing at her all day long! 

Oh Claire, what a blessing you are to us. The excitement of living with the Girl Who Will Change The World is something we cherish every day. Kissing the cheeks of  our tiny She Who is So Big is such a joy for us. Watching you wobble about and wondering where those legs will someday run sets us to dreaming again. You are bigger than your tiny feet, bigger than your chubby hands, bigger than your three little teeth. The fire inside you is just catching, and what lies ahead is an inferno. Go get 'em girl - we love you! 

Your Loyal Subjects, 
Mama, Dada, Lucy, Molly and the Jester. 

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