13 June 2012

At the end of the first trimester and feeling like you-know-what, there is nothing I hate more than cooking. It makes me gag, and I hate eating dinner. Even so, everyone else actually wants to eat at 6pm. I know. So gross. So I'm turning back to crockpot meals, as I can prepare them in the morning and have the dishes done by lunch. LOVE my crockpot. Tonight I made Taste of Home's Tangy Chicken Thighs.

Y'all, I'm big into thighs. I'll be honest. When I see a chicken recipe, the first thing I think is, "I'll be it'd be better with thighs." I read somewhere recently that chicken thighs are coming back "into vogue" in the food world. Like we didn't see that coming? They're cheap and folks are POOR. This is a recession. I'm pretty sure powdered milk and dried beans were also "in vogue" at one point...and let's be honest. When you have three kids and two on the way, you're POOR. (But rich in spirit! Ha!)

This dinner was CHEAP. Yay for cheap! I spent $3.28 on 10 thighs, $.50 on an onion, $.14 on two cloves of garlic, $.82 on a can of cream of chicken, $1.16 on a can of chicken broth and $1.83 on a brick of cream cheese. $7.73. It calls for 6 thighs, but with you have a package of ten, why not throw caution to the wind?! I threw them all in and assumed it would be fine. And it was. This made a massive amount of chicken and sauce. I served it over rice. We're big rice people. Andrew may be a pasta person, but it's outlawed in these parts so we'll really never know. We had two adult bowls and three good-sized kid bowls, and I refrigerated another two servings for lunches, and THEN froze the rest of the chicken and sauce, which will give us that same amount over. So one night's dinner and two leftover lunches was $3.87. SWEET.

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