30 September 2012

Feeling Sew, Sew...

Andrew was such a peach this am. I suggested he take the kids to the zoo, and he actually said, "Sounds good!" I was all, "Wha!?!??! Huh?!?!" And then I kicked them out before he changed his mind. 

I finished up ten more burp cloths since I gave away all the ones I made for the boys...

...put the finishing touches on a nursing cover...

...finished up some bibs...

...wrapped up the last of the shoe-sewing...

...and finished a few more pacifier straps. The only thing left is putting snaps on everything. Ick. 

 Do you want to know the best part of my day? 
I started working on Spiderman clips to match their bibs, which turned out suuuuuper cute. 
The only problem is that if I put "Spiderman" on the front, the fabric is folded so that...

Spiderman's crotch is on the back. Fantastic. I'm such a winning seamstress. 


Lisa Marie said...

SPIDERMAN'S CROTCH- LOL!!! ... I LOVE the pirate fabric!!! eek! how cute!! LOve your sewing adorable... so so cute! Henry is wearing the dino shoes you made him!! We love them :)

Jenna said...

You make me want to sew. If you weren't about to have twin boys I'd hire you to fill my bib basket with homemade cuteness!!! I need to learn...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the ties, Spiderman, and pirate themes. Don't know how you do it! I'd be schooling from the sofa all pregnancy. Can't imagine huddling over a sewing machine with Jacob and Esau wrestling in my lap.

Tricia said...

These are sew sew cute!!! ;-) I love them!!!!