As the boys and Laura are napping now in the hospital, I'm afforded a rare (and more rare by the minute) opportunity to provide a photolog. On this truly amazing day, my oldest three beautiful girls met our newest handsome twin addition, Max & Miles. When all is said and done, these may be the five most-photographed children in history :-) Enjoy. We all sure did. What a blessed day.
Saturday December 15th, 2012...
Max on display but Molly notices the 2nd bassinet, home to a quietly sleeping Miles... |
Lucy fights the urge to jump over that railing... |
Molly extends the giraffe neck to get a closer look at one of her newest siblings (Max!) |
Claire gets closer but maintains a solemn face. |
Molly discovers baby toes and cannot keep her hands off of them! |
Lucy jumps on board with toe-tickling. |
Within minutes after arrival, Lucy joins Laura in bed and so does Miles (wrapped in green). |
So proud of herself that she's sticking her tongue out like Michael Jordan! |
Lucy mystified by her little brother Miles. |
I forced Lucy to look up at me and smile. It took forever to get her to stop staring at Miles. |
Come on now. You know that Lucy isn't going to be in the hospital bed with Miles without Molly doing the exact same with Max! The girls get hands-on and hold the boys for the first time!!! |
I could not get her to smile because she was busy talking about the babies... |
Ramona Quimby, anyone? |
Claire. Banished from the hospital bed but maintaining the perimeter ... |
Lucy's first kiss to Miles! |
Molly (aka Ramona's) first kiss to Max! |
All five (5) kiddos!Lucy (5.5), Molly (3.5), Claire (1.5) Max (with Molly, 1 day old) and Miles (with Lucy, 1 day old) |
The Townsend Clan visits too! Ava is awesome at baby handling! |
Lucy pinching Max's cheeks just like Laura does to her. Like mother, like daughter... |
I (Andrew) finally pry Max away from Lucy and Grandma gets her turn to love on these cuties. They would not have been possible without her full-time, hands-on love & support over the last several months. Thank God for Grandma! |
Grandma is amazed by their looks, how small they are (over 6# each but still way smaller than our other babies and the Walk kids!). She also notes that they have large hands (like their daddy). Most are starting to agree at this point that Max looks like Molly's baby pictures and Miles looks like Lucy/Claire's baby pictures... |
Claire comes in close for a kiss to Miles. She grins from ear to ear (a major improvement from 1st impression solemn faces) but doesn't making kissing-contact! |
No kissing this redheaded cutie on the first introduction! She's going to hold out a little longer! |
Grandma braces Max for a close inspection from Reese and Molly... |
Reese steps up to bat and holds Miles. She is SO excited. |
In the waiting room where there was more space, Claire returns to long distance stares at the new boys and maintaining the perimeter. |
Molly gets hands-on Max. She loves the way his reflexes grab her hands. It's the only trick most newborns know, afterall, right? :-) |
She's precious. He's... asleep? :-) |
Yup. Babies. Is it lunch time yet? |
Okay. Playing here will capture my attention for a little while longer but I need lunch! |
Hmmm... Maybe these babies are fun afterall.... |
Max's head is kind of like a drum! Ack! Careful Claire! |
Hehe. Just kidding but look at this cool grabby-trick he can do! |
Grandma, Laura, Lucy, Molly, Claire, Max & Miles. Doesn't get better than that... oh wait... |
Cooke Family 5.0 |
Dad Disclaimer: this photolog is not meant to substitute a "birth story". I'm not that witty/crafty with words and didn't pay attention to
all of the gruesome-yet-glorious events of the last 48 hours well enough to write about them :-) I'm confident that Laura will get around to that in the next... couple weeks, months, maybe? You'll have to wait for her to get a quiet moment in a house in a very full house. Be patient! God Bless! :-)
Thanks for posting all these pictures, Andrew! You guys are so blessed and you have a lovely family. Hope I get to meet the little guys and Claire one of these days.
I'm so VERY happy for y'all; and have had my entire gospel study praying for their healthy & safe delivery.
They're gorgeous and I love the names too.
I'm a little pissed that you got TWO MORE red heads & I'VE GOT NONE! Completely unfair...but there's always Clairol...
The pix are great...can I be a pain and ask for video? I'm sure y'all have got NOTHING to do...
The pix w/ Sue are beautiful...I'm sure it's been great having her!
Congratulations guys!
I did what Nana told me, which is; sleep when they do - don't worry about the house, sleep is MORE IMPORTANT!
love to all,
The Great Do (Dorothy)
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