We moved into our house in 2011, right after Claire was born. One evening that fall, I was sitting at the table with the girls and looked across the table and so clearly saw two little boys. They were about 4 years old. It was strange to me then that they were two of the same boy. For weeks after that, I felt so weird walking through the dining room. The vision of those boys stuck with me like crazy and I knew it was just a matter of time until my boys were sitting there.
We were not trying to get pregnant last year. We were really enjoying the girls and decided to wait until Claire was about 3 to get pregnant again.
On April 21st of last year, I realized I'd been acting insane and crying like crazy over all sorts of silly things. So I did what any sane woman would do. I told Andrew I was pregnant. He said, "Right, okay, you're not pregnant." So I promised myself that I'd wait until Monday. If Monday arrived and I still thought I was pregnant, I'd take a test.
I spent that Sunday analyzing my symptoms and trying to decide how to tell Andrew I was really pregnant. I figured I'd just email him like I'd done for the last two.
On Monday morning, we ran out to the store and I bought a digital pregnancy test. I took it asap and left it on the counter. I ended up getting busy with other things and noticed it sitting there about 15 minutes later. When I saw that it said "pregnant," I hyperventilated and sent Andrew an email of vindication.
He was, of course, tickled to death. We celebrated and celebrated!
Our friends and family were thrilled, and I started praying for twins. Grandma Susie had been praying for twin boys to come into the family for many, many years. I knew she wouldn't let that go. She had always dreamed of having more children, and I think that not having more was one of her biggest regrets. I knew that the way this pregnancy lined up, it was twins. The day I realized I was pregnant was April 23rd, the day after what would have been their 50th wedding anniversary. I told everyone I knew that I just knew it was twins. Twin boys. I told Andrew to pray for them. I told my mom to pray for them. I told my study group to pray for them. The Thursday after we announced the "baby," I told my ENDOW group that I had a feeling it was twins. My friend Lindsay said, "Wouldn't that be crazy!?" We both agreed that twins would be so wonderful. The thought stuck and stuck. All I could think about was twin boys.
Andrew left for a business trip on Sunday, May 6th. That night I started feeling some sharp pains on one side, which I knew could be signs of an ectopic pregnancy. I called my mom, who made me promise to get in first thing the next morning. Andrew called to tell me he'd arrived safely in Baltimore and I told him that I was going to go in the OB as a precaution, praying it wasn't a miscarriage.
The next morning I got in right away. I called my friend Angie, who took the girls for the morning. She knew, of course, that we were praying for twins. I think just about everyone did! I called my mom on the way up and reminded her to keep praying for them. She said to me, "Well, whatever is in there is in there. I don't know if you can just pray another one in."
I walked into the OB's office and I thought, "I just want a healthy baby...but boy will I be shocked if there aren't two." I hopped up on the ultrasound table and the sonogram tech got started. I saw them right away and my heart was beating out of my chest. I yelped, "is it twins!?" and she said, "There's Baby A...and Baby B. Do twins run in your family?" I replied, "We've been expecting them for years!"
I had a very hard time holding myself up on my way back to the car. I felt like I was going to pass out. I just wanted to scream to everyone I saw, "IT'S TWINS!!!!!!" I called Andrew from the parking lot. He knew I was at the OB and left his conference to answer my call. I said, "Well, I'm okay. You could even say I'm doubly okay." There was a long silence and he said "...NO. WAY."
On the way home I called my mom. She was so nervous for my appointment. I said, "Well, it turns out I am high risk." She said, "Oh no, what's wrong!??!" I almost died laughing when I replied, "well twins are always considered high risk just because there are two." You could have knocked her over with a feather.
Andrew just happened to be in Baltimore, staying with his parents, so we agreed to tell his family with him there in person and me over Skype. The results were hilarious.
Aunt Lisa was first.
So then we told Andrew's parents. You know Lisa wasn't going to be left out of that one. Michael got home and she said, "I'm going with Andrew. Peace out, cub scout!" So that's why you hear her voice in this one.
That night Andrew and I freaked out together via email.
And then we told Facebook. It was adorable.
Life is sweet. I am never surprised by the way He blesses us when we're really open to His gifts, and He wants to shower each and every one of us with blessings. All we have to do is love Him and let Him work. I would imagine that there is nothing He loves more than hearing someone squeal with delight over the blessings He sends.
And boy(s), oh boy(s), but there are reasons to squeal every day.
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