27 March 2007

36th Week and looking fiiiiiiine.

This is me in our 36th week of pregnancy.
I still feel like I'm on the small side, but since there are a
lot of strangers who like to say, "Whoa! Any day now!," I
must be in denial. Oh well, at least I don't feel like a whale...


Anonymous said...

I think you look damn fine!! :)

Anonymous said...

oh, you look so summery! and yes, my dear, the braids are very cute. and what goes into a hospital bag? books? snacks? extra undies? please inform.

-suzzy the great

Anonymous said...

You're gorgeous.

Love, the cannon.

Jennifer Merkel said...

It's going to be so much fun when you look back and try to picture little Lucy "inthere". Paul will be FIVE next week!