11 April 2007

Guy Parenting Episode 3 - Bathing Your Bear Baby


Anonymous said...

Cute... But probably Andrew shouldn't pick the baby up by the head.. ;)

Oh, and a friend of my brother's lives over close to where you're moving to. They were married a few years back and have one child with another on the way. I'll try to get their email or something for you guys.

Lisa Marie said...

I'm a little confused about what nether-regions might be referring to... Do you think Andrew could be more specific for all of us guys who are benefiting from his act of educational charity?

Lisa Marie said...

Okay... that's just scary. I hope you guys have a REAL baby soon... because bathing a teddy bear is just a little weird. Wait till Lucy sees this one day... at least her Dad is getting excited and prepared! ;o) haha. Remind Andrew not to put Lucy's face in the water! LOL
- Lisa