29 May 2007

Our Chubby Wolverine!

8 pounds 3 ounces! I am so proud! That means she's gained 9 ounces in a week- phenomenal!
Lucy and I are going to look at a house this afternoon, after my ham sandwich. Then we have to go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription because it sounds like I have THRUSH. Ugh. It would be nice if that's what it turned out to be- I look forward to looking forward to nursing! :-) It's been a great experience, but I am getting a little tired of all the "issues" that come along with it. I guess I can't complain at all. Where functionality is concerned, I get an A, and Lucy is happy as a lark when it comes to eating. So, are any of these little issues really a problem at all?
We had a very nice weekend, but I am pooped after Lucy's escapades last night, so I'm going to set my phone alarm and try to get a little nap before she wakes up.


April said...

Your chubby wolverine is the most angelic baby I have ever met! She is an absolute joy and I am so happy to be a part of her life!

Kandi said...

Happy Birthday Laura!! :) Hope it's a good one!