Lucy Tuesday 5/15/2007, kicked back and napping.

Lucy sporting her Aunt Em's beautiful dress - a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl!

Lucy sleeping in her GIGANTIC carseat. There is more carseat than baby in this picture!

Uncle John Faber (FYI- good looking fellow for all you single ladies out there) holding his great niece.
The Cookes @ home with baby Lucy!
Godmom Lisa & Mom Laura loving on little Lucy (wow, alliteration)

Lucy looking more & more like her mom when she opens her eyes!

Beautiful Mother Day Flowers that Andrew bought me for my first Mother's Day.
Oh, my goodness, these pictures are all so great. A little doll has come into the family. We love the one of Lucy on the bed in that darling dress, and she is really smiling. She says "Life is good", and she's right!
We can hardly wait to come back East for Thanksgiving and see all our grand-children and great-grandbaby girls. Wow! Two little girls in one year. Their uncles are going to be in "babyland" and having fun.
Anyway, we love the pictures. The blog is wonderful!
Grandma and Grandpa H.
Well, I don't know what you are going to think of this, but after looking at all the pictures of Lucy once again, I have to say I see Brendan and Paul in her!! Has anyone else noticed that? So she is a real combination right now. It is going to be so much fun to see her change each week and we appreciate so much the pictures in the blog. Thanks for all your hard work on keeping the blog going during this very busy time at your house.
Love you mucho,
G. and G. Hendry
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