What a great weekend! I did not post anything about going home this weekend because we wanted to surprise Mom after her long and tiring week. We left Frostburg on Friday afternoon, and we surprised her just beore John's party. It was supposed to be a pool party, but it was cold and overcast! So the kids all swam for a bit (Andrew and Tim, too) and then we all we back to the house for cake.

There were so many boys, and it was so loud....But John had a great time. I can't believe how big he is now...My cute little baby brother is growing up so fast!

He had a Pirates birthday party, and there were eye patches everywhere!

Eventually, all the boys went outside for s'mores and a campfire, and we all stayed in to play with Lucy and sit around the kitchen table. It's funny when I think back on all the people who've sat at the table and visited, and all the laughter that table has seen. Nina and Lucy were being very silly.

Lucy got some time with with her Uncle Tim and Aunt April- she was up late!

Paul came in the house to shoot at people and pillage, and I think they were up all night on a huge sugar rush.

On Saturda, we went with Mom to help out at the Strawberry Festival. She got a good bit of time with Lucy, and had the chance to snuggle her for awhile.

Lucy was also gently tormented and got to wear this sticky thing around on her back for awhile.
On Saturday afternoon, we drove to Andrew's parents house and Lucy crashed for a little while before our dinner with Andrew's dad for Father's Day. We went out to Red Lobster with Lisa, Michael and Josiah and had a good time.

On Sunday morning, we went down to Bowie to see Andrew's grandparents. Lucy napped for part of the morning, and was up in time to visit with everyone before we had to leave.
Lucy and Daddy on Father's Day!

Lucy and her cousins Julia and Brendan

Lucy and Mama enjoying the warm breeze.

Lucy and Cousin Kelly

Julia playing the violin.

Lucy with Julia and Nana C.

Lucy and Cousin Freddie Lionel

We got back to Grandma and Grandpa's in time for Lucy to nap on Aunt Lisa before we had to drive home.

And here we are coming back into our beautiful Western MD after a long weekend. This is coming down from Sideling Hill.
All in all, it was great weekend. We will be going back down the weekend of the 30th for April's baby shower and for the big ear piercing event.
This week, we're looking at apartments and working on financial stuff. We have decided that we don't feel very called to buying a house right now. For some reason, it feels like things just aren't lining up right for us, and we're leaning more toward renting instead. We will be buying a new car soon, possibly within the next couple of weeks, and we're going to just take it a day at a time. We're still very young, and home ownership isn't a huge need for us. We'd rather get more money in the bank and keep our options open instead. So, onto apartment hunting! We're looking at one tonight in Cumberland, and will keep you all updated!
Lucy kinda looked like a little boy in one of the pictures....but I won't hold it against her. Thanks for the gummi kabob (did I spell that right?)
Good luck apartment hunting!!
Wow! What a wonderful bunch of pictures. Lucy has so, so many relatives in her life. She is so beautiful! We loved seeing everyone in the pictures. A very fun week-end for you, and especially for Grandma Jennifer and Tim for Dad's day, and all those Cooke relatives.
Thanks for doing such a beautiful job with the blog.
Love you all very much and we send hugs!
Grandma and Grandpa H.
Rachel and I are here looking at these wonderful pictures and we are wondering who is getting ears pierced at "the great ear piercing event"? Andrew? Lucy? John? Tim? We want to know!
Grandma and Rachel
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